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Hey guys

As you might have noticed, I've been off the grid for a bit. I've been sick - still am - and managed to crawl out of bed yesterday for the first time in a while.

I love my grandchildren, but those bundles of joy sometimes pack viruses my immune system isn't geared to deal with anymore - I'm suddenly feeling very old.

Got hit by the flu, and I had been feeling a little down before that with a sore throat and some annoying coughing. Nothing serious at first, but damn, it's painful as fuck and quite debilitating when you have a back like mine. Apparently I have contracted a case of whooping cough, from one of my grand children. In addition a nasty inflammation of the middle ear decided to chime in, that just wont go away. All good things come in threes, I guess.

I would love to have good news for you about a release before Christmas, but that is not going to happen. Depending on how much I can get out of bed and sit at my computer, It may be possible to get it out before the 1'st of January - but please don't hold your breath.

You all have a good one and a merry Christmas to you all.

Cheers - Kaffekop



Get better soon and healthy


Grandchildren carry energy and diseases. It's well documented.


Get well soon bud, merry Christmas to you and your family.


Merry Christmas to you as well, and very much hope you get well soon.

loknath karmakar

Hope may God will be with you and you'll get well soon ...merry Christmas 🤗

Jimmy Lovell

happy new year 2020 will be a year of great things

Jimmy Lovell

Hope your health has in proved you just seem to never get a brake from bad things