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Heya guys and gals.

Finally it all came together after some much needed sleep. Working too long and trying too hard gave me tunnel vision. As promissed this version is up for free for all, because of the long hiatus.

Since it has been so long I would recommend a new playthrough, just to keep the story fresh in your mind. A lot is happening as we pick up where we left off ...

Changelog for 0.6:

Added 2½ more days of ingame days.

Added two new characters: Sheniqua and Imani (some of Spyder's hang-arounds)

Fiddled with variables and added a function to keep better track of the "Energy" variable.

Given the above corrections, prior saves might fuck it up! New play-through recommended and remember that "tab" and "ctrl" are your friends in these instances.

It has been tested to the best of my ability and I haven't found  anything game-breakingly wrong with it. If you should find a bug, please  let me know so I can try and fix it.

The OSX version can be found here: Mega 

The Windows version can be found here: Mega 

The version for  Windows and Linux users: Mega 

The Android version can be found here: Mega 

Changelog can be found here: Mega 

Edit: Added an Android version. Tested it slightly on a tablet and it seems to work. Don't think it's any good for phones though.

Hope you all enjoy this version and as always: Thank you for playing and sticking around.

Cheers - Kaffekop


Jimmy Lovell

i just played 0.6 dam i was not expecting that you just blowed me away


The story is so amazing Kaffekop I played several times and choices do matter! Thanks for your work on this very much looking forward to more of SoTF!


Glad to see this. Hopefully things can just go up from here.

Jimmy Lovell

Dam you! Kaffekop it going to seam longer to 0.7 than 0.5 to 0.6 love the game . GREAT WORK


Already working on 0.7 but yeah, May is a busy one for me. My youngest is turning 20 in a few weeks and my oldest is getting married on the first of June.

Jimmy Lovell

Family first always.

Marty McLean

Just an FYI, my previous save did work just fine.


good update i look forward for the next one, i don't remember if ask already if you have discord channel or not so do you have one?


I don't have a Discord channel. I'm not sure I would be able to find the time to sit around a talk with you guys, however fun that would be.


Hi Kaffekop ! i just wanted to say, i really like this game. amazing renders and look forward to your work ! i have one question. How long have you planned the game to be ? as in, after 0.9, will it be v1.0 ? or will become v0.10 ? let us know if you're comfortable sharing with us :) and thank you for making this really nice looking game !


Just came across this work and have to say that I am impressed with the Story Telling...enough to become a Patreon :) I did note some spelling errors and several name mismatches in 0.6 I also really like the graphics and characters...is it out of place to ask what software your using?


Thank you and certainly not. For graphics I use Daz studio. I'll weed out those suckers in the next installment. Thanks for pointing it out. Cheers


It's a fairly long story and I think I will just keep it to "0.xx" until it reaches it's conclusion by which point it will be advanced to a "1.0". The version numbers are really just a way to keep track of the number of versions produced and not a counter for when it's finished. Hope it answers your question.


Hi kaffeekop, such an amazing work you are doing, I had became a great fan of you and I am also inspired to create like this. May I know how you are creating these sex scenes and to create a VN do we need a team or single guy can work on that.


Thank you Kaffekop ! i understand your thought process a bit and i really hope your game succeeds ! everything about the game looks good, especially the premise which is quite unqiue and different ! i will keep track of your game and i wish you the very best !


Glad you like my work, thank you. I'm not sure there is a short answer to those questions. It would probably end up as a wall of text in this place. I'll shoot you a pm. Cheers.


Hmm, I'm apparently dumber than most, as I can't find a way to pm you, so I'll keep it short and here ;-) I'm using Daz Sudio for the graphics. It's free and takes some learning. The rendering process may take quite a while if you don't have very good pc with higher end Nvidia cards. Personally I'm running with 1x 1080 Ti and 1x Titan X which is currently adequate for my use. I would recommend a team but a single person can do it. Lastly, a proof reader is a most.

Maik Strehl

Wow, i am impressed by your work!!! I've played the Version 0.6 like 20 times in 20 different ways and always experienced something new :D Everything you've done has been done with good thoughts, care and attention to detail. Well at leasts that's the feeling i get when i play your game. Also this is the first time i support someone with patreon ever. So please, for the sake of my sanity, never stopp until this Game is finished xD


Hello Kaffekop , Well I just finished playing 0.6 after playing late in the morning because its a awesome game. I like how you set all the characters. To be honest ever since I first started playing years ago and I just wanted to say I love this game. I really hope you make this game last a long time I really enjoy it. Lets just say I'm interested in what is coming next because I just got a chance to go on a real date with Abby. Oh I think I made a friend with Spyder witch would be good to have. Well when I went to pick up my sister from work from the gym and I thought I was going to die from Spyder but no I


fainted on the ground. Well I need more power. Wow because after talking to Spyder, I was really amazed when I came home because I do think the sisters cute but wow the mother is sexy. Then we watch a movie. AWESOME!!!!!