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Hi everyone.

The last few weeks have been both interesting and quite disturbing at the same time. I’m learning a lot about who I am and that is not always as pleasant as it sounds but most importantly I’m being led down the road of understanding why and how I ended up where I ended up and how to stop it from happening again.

As it turns out it was not porn, that was my addiction but “just” something I turned to when I was feeling down which has become more and more frequent after I decided to quit my antidepressant earlier this year.

I’m back on medication again and also seeing a therapist on a regular basis now, which I wasn’t before and that is helpful in so many ways as well as disturbing.

The good news is that she believes that I will be able to continue working on my projects, when I learn how to handle the triggers that led me down this unfortunate hole in the ground. When this will happen is unknown at present, but she is confident that it will happen within this year as she thinks I’m making good progress – so far.

Currently I’m staying clear of any and all temptation when it comes to anything porn related. This also means that I haven’t been able to visit a certain site, that I actually enjoyed visiting in the past as it would be the equivalent of an alcoholic going into a liquor store just to see if they are selling water.

I’m hoping to be able to visit said site in the future as well.

Well, that was all for now. Thank you for hanging around and I hope to see you soonish.

Cheers - Kaffekop


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