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Hi guys, and girls.

As most of you know, it has been a hectic month and let's not delve deeper into that. The important thing is, that version 0.03 is done! Behind my personal schedule, but that is that.

In 0.04 Mack will meet more of the neighborhood. The lesbian couple will swing by and Dylan and his mother will also come by and bid you welcome. That leaves out "Old Man" Jeffries, but he won't be making an appearance just yet.

As always, the next update will be expanding upon the choices Mack has made in the previous updates - for better or for worse.

Somewhere between now and the release of 0.04, I will make a small guide for you. It will focus on pointing out the nine different starting path's, but it will not explain, what they will lead to. That is to be experienced by playing through the game yourselves.

I'll be putting up a poll for you after the general release on the 28/02 - 2018. It will be about the music, that I have added to the prologue. It's just something that I'd like your opinion on.

Anyways. I hope you'll all have a good weekend. I certainly intend to enjoy a day or two without having to think too much about this project. I'm sure my girlfriend is going to appreciate that.

Cheers - and as always, thank you for your continued support.



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