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Hey there.

Just here to give you a heads up on the progress of 0.03.

The version is coming along nicely and I'm incorporating early coding into my workflow. Basically it means, that I build the game with placeholders instead of the actual imagery - those who are not done yet.

I've decided to try a little something and put music into the prologue. I really would like your opinion on the matter, when you have played through the prologue - yet again ;-)

I have also learned, that the asset I'm using in Unity, to build my game, will be discontinued. Luckily the same developer is working on another VN engine already. The new engine looks promising and it should make it possible for me to allow for all the complexities that I have in minde, but find it hard to incorporate within the current asset, as it operates in a rather linear fashion.

This means, that I'll be migrating my game to the new engine. This will be a slow process, but it will not affect my updates to the game, so the story will continue.

Given the fact that the two engines make use of different ways to save the game, you will have to start over, when the migration to the new engine has been done.

Anyway. Have a good one and as always: Thank you your support.

Cheers - Kaffekop


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