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As some of you might have noticed, Patreon is coming down hard on everything related to incest, and I'm afraid that this is only the beginning of a more widely spread purge of adult oriented content. I find it disheartening that thought policing and censorship go hand in hand in here. This is almost Orwellian, one might say.
I'm considering finding another site due to this, as I'm not going to change my story at the whims of a corporation. I am, and always will be against any form of censorship just because someone , somewhere, feels offended by something. And quite honestly: To be offended is to admit, that you are unable to control and handle your emotions, and thus you want everyone else to do it for you.
I'm therefore looking at other ways to fund my projects at the moment. This includes setting up my own little website that'll work as Patreon does. Or even leaving my Patreon as a hub for art and funding, and my own site for the game itself.
I guess I was a little late to the party.

0.03 is coming along nicely and, as some of you might have guessed, Mack is going to get laid, if you chose to let him.

On another note, I'll be adding a walkthrough to the game starting with version 0.03. This will be a walkthrough focused on revealing the different branches of the story. Not how they will play out, but simply pointing to how, these branches can be "activated", as I'm reluctant to give away plots and story spoilers.

Monday I will bring you a few images of the new cast addition: Evelyn, Gillian, Samantha, Melanie and Spyder. These are not in-game takes, but rather a visual representation of how they look. I hope, that you'll enjoy that.

Have a good one, and as always: Thank you for your support.

Cheers - Kaffekop


Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

Firstly I admire your principle from the bottom of my heart. However I think you are overly concerned. To my knowledge your game is not centered on incest, but rather is a slice of life adventure game similar to summer time saga. My advice don't talk about it, don't even mention the "I" word. I have yet to see any pateon morality police care enough to play a game all the way through, just to see if the possibility of a censorship breach has occurred. I recommend editing this post to correctly reflect that your objection is based on principle and not content. If those asshats want to play test each of your alpha builds to check for "I" content I say let them.

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

Post script, you can send newsletters out directly to parons w/o posting it on patreon. I don't think those posts are monitored since it comes via email. Also please note that some projects have had to remove "I" content, but sometimes a glitch can happen where accidental deletion of a single file causes it to return. The devs of those projects are working hard to fix this glitch.


I would get rid of the patreon pledge pictures just to be safe


You are quite correct. My game is not centered around the "I" word. Maybe I just worry too much :-)

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

I don't think that it's possible to worry too much when your passion and or livelyhood is at stake. However the Effort is probably best spent on continuing to make an awesome game. I really liked the mystical vibe and can't wait to see what happens to the spirit guide. I really hope she survives!