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For those who don't know, MoGi Origins was programmed in GameMaker 1.4. Ever since the original programmer left the project, I was  trying to find someone new to help out. Finding a programmer for GM1.4 was hard, because that program is considered old and abandoned, and there's no way to buy a new license. So, if you don't have one, you can't work on it! That said, I managed to find a few willing and capable programmers.

During my search, an old question resurfaced. Should I convert the game to GameMaker Studio 2? I had this conversation with the original programmer a long time ago. He told me that most of the game would break, so it's not worth the effort. I took his word for it, as he had more knowledge than me on the subject, and he made me abandon the whole idea.

So, GM1.4 was the safe and easy choice, but it's old, slow and limiting in many ways. That got me thinking... could it be actually possible to convert the entire project in GM2? I mean... how bad can it be? I spent a lot of time talking to the various new programmers about hiring them, signing NDAs and so on. During all this time, I ran a few tests. I wanted to check if GM2 is a viable option. And it is!!!!

The above video shows the very first time I tried to play MoGi Origins in GM2. It crashed a couple of times and some of the backgrounds are missing. But everything else is in there: The characters, the collisions, the save and map system... the conversion is successful!!! As I type this, every glitch in the above video is fixed. I'm still running tests and it needs some work, but these are huge news for the game!

Working in GM2 means that the procedure would be easier and faster, that new effects can be added, that many programmers can contribute if needed, that the game can be exported in more ports than just PC Windows... and I don't even know what else! I'm super hyped and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your patience and support!


Mogi Origins in GameMaker2 (test 01)

Originally MoGi Origins was created in GameMaker 1.4. After a long break due to technical and personal difficulties, and after a lot of thought, I decided to try and see how well the game converts to GameMaker 2. The game may have some glitches, but for the most part it seems to work well! After a bit of work, the glitches you see in this video are all fixed. The game has all the missing backgrounds and the characters don't crash the game. Also many other things are fixed, and the progress continues!


Zany Hitakus

Excellent news! I'm glad to hear that the conversion will be beneficial and can't wait to see how things progress with the new version of GameMaker!


Yes, this is a great step forward! Even the level design and tiling tools are much easier to use and it will save me a lot of time!