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Hello everyone!

Sincere apologies for my recent absence. A was a bit under the weather lately, and I felt the need to deal with a few of my issues, before I could share the details.

At the beginning of September, a Hard drive with most of my work stopped working. Since then, I gave it to a technician to restore anything he can. This process apparently is very slow and I still don't have access to my work. The backup that I had was overwritten with other stuff and I neglected to make a new backup in time.

During September I went on vacations and on my way back I got covid. I was disappointed that during all this time my HD wasn't recovered yet. Also, my MoGi programmer was nowhere to be found and I had no clue if he had done any work at all during my absence. All that made me fall into some kind of depression during October. I had no creative mood, which is extremely rare for me.

November is where things slowly started looking hopeful again. I started looking for programmers on Fiverr, I got a couple of important folders from the technician and I bought new HDs for my work. Also my programmer reappeared and finished most of the work that I had for him. All this mended my mood and my creative levels have now increased greatly. And it feels good.

The recovered files are not perfect. I got a folder with 20 map redesigns, and 3 of them are corrupted. Thankfully, some of the older versions are intact, so I haven't lost much there. Furthermore, I got a data recovery program myself (costs $250), and I'm scanning my old hard drives for my work files. There are important remnants here and there, but that requires time to find and sort out. I also got a new UPS ($100) because my old one died 5 months ago and the electricity goes down often where I live. And I got a couple of music/sfx bundles that would help with my games and a programing tool called GDevelop. So, I'm investing in the future!

Regarding Rewards, I don't have new or old stuff to post, but I think you can access a lot of older posts/Rewards here, if you scroll down. Thank you very much for your support, and I hope I will have some good news soon.

- Veins.




That sounds awesome! Do you have any experience with Game Maker 1.4? We could talk in Discord if you can send me a private message here.


I touched Game Maker 4 years ago lol, yet I'm always happy to learn new things. My discord: E4gy#5968