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So there are a lot of design decisions we had to make for our game from the onset, and the game's gone through a lot of changes.

This is what Succubus looked like.

I decided to take the time today to explain why we  chose to shape our game the way we did, as well as the changes we've  decided to make to the game to stay on Patreon.

First, we've changed Hostage scenes to be Map Scenes. 

In  a game like ours you only get to the main adult content when you're  losing. We didn't want it to feel like we're punishing the players for  playing the game correctly, and we wanted to inspire more exploration so  we thought... How about we add Hostage scenes where you have to go  around saving guys from Mogi having sex with them? If you play the game  right you still see the content you came to us for. Patreon has a  zero-tolerance policy for rape, so we're going to frame that aspect of  the game differently. They aren't really being, raped, the guys are  choosing to do it, but the girls are a bit overzealous.

From now on all mention of Hostage scenes will be Map Scenes, and the dialogue when talking to them has been changed as well.

Second,   we've specified that the smaller MoGi will not be having any adult  scenes. Any longtime followers of the game already knows that we had no  intention of giving the younger characters any adult exposure, but it  wasn't clear so we made it so.

What we're working on?
We're  working on the Cyclops bossfight. The actual boss sprites have actually  been done already. Titan's programming it now, while Veins does the  adult scene. We hope to have something to show very soon.


Just  to add some small tidbits of information for you guys to digest, the  Map Scenes weren't fully our idea. It was due to you guys.

When  we were starting out, we thought we'd stay the course and do what other  games generally did, as we saw no apparent flaw in their design  decisions, but through constant communication with you guys multiple  things changed in our game. Through playing the game, we remember some  of our players lamenting the fact that they had gotten better at the  game. We struggled to think of a solution to have people see the adult  content, w/o necessarily losing. Obviously we increased the game  difficulty, but surprisingly, the skill gap in our audience was QUITE  wide. We didn't want to unnecessarily punish our worse players but still  wanted to reward better ones. This is how Map Scenes came to be.

Our  sex minigame also took form due to the direct influence of you guys.  Originally, we had a mash to escape system(like we do with Slimegirl  Black), and we thought it worked well. The thing was though, unlike  pixelart titles our game has a lot to take in when it comes to  animation. Since the actual animations are quite large, our fans were  lamenting the fact that they couldn't just relax and enjoy the animation  at their own pace.

The challenge became how would you have a  high pressure minigame, where you can take your time to solve it so you  can view the animation.  Our current minigame is our answer to that  challenge and we wouldn't have come up with it w/o you.

The  takeaway here is that if there's anything you guys don't really like or  feel isn't directly explained enough, we'd be happy to communicate and  make changes to more suit your needs. The adult scenes withstanding  though, as those are kind of spoken for...


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