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August has really been a month of retrospection.

We've  had a lot of new people come and play the game and give feedback to the  point that we felt we needed to step back and look at our past  decisions to make sure we're happy with them as well as our workflow.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive in those messages and so constructive. We really appreciate it.

We started with the main menu.

We've  been asked about multiple savefiles before, and with future  developments we have planned, we do plan on implementing this. The thing  is, in the game right now, you can always go back. There's always a way  to go all the way back to the beginning of the game. That means when  people miss things they miss them completely. The range at which you  have to traverse to handle puzzles also becomes vague and if we want to  lock the players forward for a small amount of time we can't. Multiple  saves should alleviate those concerns.

Visually we're  working on the parallax of the backgrounds to be more noticeable. It's  there but hardly noticeable right now. If you've been following us for a  while you might've also noticed various resources being changed like  the sprinklers early on in the game.

Another big thing  that's been really bothering us has been music.  Our game has no strong  audio identity nor variety to say the least. We've been going around  gathering more tracks for the game to give each area more of a presence.

Regarding  the gameplay, I'm too afraid to make too many difficulty tweaks. As a  developer the game is super easy for me and the variance in player skill  is extremely wide. I honestly don't know what values to really modify  to make the game harder or easier for everyone.

I was  thinking of just giving Voms less health on harder difficulties and have  the MoGi attack more agressively, but finding the balance of values  proves to be more of a challenge then I expected.

Logistically  getting all this work done has been our aim as well as getting more  MoGi into the game. When it comes to general eroticism our MoGi are  special in how you handle them. They're mostly nude so the eroticism has  to come out in the animation. It's nothing too big, but we've always  been conscious of the lady jiggles. We hope you like the new MoGi when  she's released.

Thank you for your patience.


JulS D

What app should we download to play it on our phone?


I wanna buy this game how can buy full?¿


Hmmm... well there's the static beta you can buy from erogi.blogspot.com 's blue Donate button. It's $30 and you'll have access to all future betas and the game when it comes out. If you're our supporter when the last beta comes out you'll receive it then as well. We'll probably also reward any long-time supporters even if they back out after a bit, so there's quite a few ways. The game isn't finished yet though plz remember.