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  • We  are working on one of the most complex levels of the game, the Tower.  It's almost as big as the city, and Voms has to interact numerous times  with Chibi. The Tower has exterior and interior design and at the top,  is where Voms calls for help (Ucogi and Alice anyone?)
  • The next MoGi and HR rape would be from Alraune, she will be ready during August.
  • We decided to add a 4th button on the controls, so that the sub-weapon wont interfere with the Tool's actions.
  • Some things need to be improved. Red for example, needs to have a 2nd phase and be harder.
  • We're fixing up a system where beta players can get to the newest content quicker.
  • Veins  talked to over 60 musician for new music. A large percentage of them  wanted to work for our game. We discarded those who didn't fit the style  and those who were too expensive. We ended up with 11 musicians to test  and 2 pieces are almost done. One of those is Alice's theme and soon we  would have Ucogi's theme!
  • Titan trains a new guy to make levels for the game. Hopefully, we would have 2 guys working on the levels pretty soon!



Red is fantastic. glad she's still going strong


The only thing I found difficult was dodging the boob that was aimed down at you. Other than that she was a pretty routinely easy boss. I did like the utilization of the tool in the fight. It gave it an extra purpose. I'd say easier than oak. I also found her sex scene a tad underwhelming. During phase two would there be a different scene? Or would it be an interactive scene?


Her design is pretty great though. Boob size is perfect. I like that, despite being a slime, she has a curvy physique. It's a nice touch that when you try to attack her physically, her booty jiggles to emphasize that she isn't like the other mogis that have normal bodies but huge tits. Not trying to make a statement at all. Just complimenting the design.


Maybe she could have other slimes be summoned to give a challenge to getting to the next switch to drop the barrel. She could drop a boob in front of her and it could turn into a black slime, or pink (new, and a shade of red).


hmmm... all of your ideas are interesting. Victor and I are talking about them


Definitely on the easier side compared to the Oak boss fight. But as a boss fight concept she's great!


is it just me or do you get punished way to hard on this boss for losing the save point is way too far away compared to the last boss


I guess that's true about Red. The thing is that Red was supposed to appear much later in the game, but since we made her and we wanted to test her, we gave access to a part of the game that was supposed to be locked for the time being. Normally a save point would be closer but that area is not built yet.


Titan has made Red a bit more challenging. We will show it in the next beta


thank you, a compliment like that means a lot. Even Red likes it! :)


No, we only have 1 scene per MoGi. It was a complex scene. Drawing in transparent colors while every aspect of Red is moving was a great challenge. also the split screen was something unique in the game but also consistent with how the fight scene has a split screen. We think it was perfectly fitting and it's also the only scene so far where you see semen getting inside a womb.


No, we only have 1 scene per MoGi. It was a complex scene. Drawing in transparent colors while every aspect of Red is moving was a great challenge. also the split screen was something unique in the game but also consistent with how the fight scene has a split screen. We think it was perfectly fitting and it's also the only scene so far where you see semen getting inside a womb.


No, we only have 1 scene per MoGi. It was a complex scene. Drawing in transparent colors while every aspect of Red is moving was a great challenge. also the split screen was something unique in the game but also consistent with how the fight scene has a split screen. We think it was perfectly fitting and it's also the only scene so far where you see semen getting inside a womb.