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If you played the game before, delete progress and data to play correctly some essential additions

What's new in this Beta

• SlimeGirl Red Queen!

• All 8 Sub-weapons are now added in the game!

• Voms can now use Sub-weapons standing!

• Cheat engine.

SlimeGirl Red

She  is the 2nd boss MoGi we made so far. Two more Queens need to appear  before her though, so we gave Voms a shortcut for the time being. She  was originally programmed by JR and modified by Titan. Also, AD did his  level, so this Boss fight is the result of the new upgraded team. Red's  sex scene also has an original direction for this game, we hope you like  it.


Also  called E-weapons (E stands for Energy), are weapons that are powered by  ENP (Energy points). Voms can use them while kneeling (Down+Tool  button) and also while standing  (Up+Tool button). 

Some weapons spend more than 1 ENP but have stronger  effects. Keep an eye for them and have fun!

Bullet: An energy ball is shot in a straight line. Costs 1ENP and does 1damage. 

Triple Bullet: Three energy balls are shot in the same direction but in different angles. 

BigBlast: A huge blast that causes 3 damage to all enemies in a straight line. 

Burst: An energy ball is shot in a straight line but explodes when you fire for a second time. 

Laser: Causes 1 damage to all enemies in a straight line. 

Beam: An energy beam is shot in a straight line and freezes all enemies for a bit. 

ForceField: Shield that protects from attacks and hazards for a few seconds. Costs 3ENP. 

Gas: Short range but deadly. Costs 2ENP and does multiple damage.

Cheat engine 

If you are a level 3 (and above) supporter of Team Erogi on Patreon,  you will get access to cheats like invincibility, infinite ENP, area  teleport and unlock all sexy scenes, hostage rapes and magazines.

If you have any technical issues, feel free  to contact us using the Blogger Contact form. 


Alright,  so regarding the whole new team business. To be honest, it was a lot  harder to manage than we originally thought. 


Ah and one more thing

We've decided to switch to direct payment processing here on Patreon. If you're already a Patron, it doesn't affect you. This only affects people thinking of becoming Patrons, as now, new Patrons are charged directly instead of at the beginning of the month.




Hi! I'm a new patreon, can I get a beta? :)