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So kojote and I attended further confusion in San Jose. We had a great time, that con was so organized and as a dealer I felt really appreciated.
I'm really motivated to make a set of enamel pins as it's been on my to-do list for awhile.
I'm thinking of making animals with halos as well I like that esthetic and look great with metal.

After the con we flew up to Canada, I'm still in Canada till the end of the month. I'm visiting family and friends that I haven't seen in 2 + years.

I attached some photos of sketches I finished at FC I forgot to photograph I think 3 more. As well as a photo of my display I had in the dealers room as well.

- Meezer




YAY I'm so happy you guys had such a great time and now get to see family to boot!! Safe travels PLEASE and next time you're this side of the ocean Kob and I should try to make plans to come meet up! We miss you!


I'm glad you had a great con. :D I miss stalking, er... seeing you at cons.