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Oh Alexander you are such a gossip XD

Phantasmas35 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-12 01:06:02 Ok, Alex. That expression you made creeped me the F*** Out! >.> But now that I think about it, Alex may be right... Awesome expressions as usual, Meezer! <3
2022-03-26 21:15:39 Ok, Alex. That expression you made creeped me the F*** Out! >.> But now that I think about it, Alex may be right... Awesome expressions as usual, Meezer! <3

Ok, Alex. That expression you made creeped me the F*** Out! >.> But now that I think about it, Alex may be right... Awesome expressions as usual, Meezer! <3


Wasn't intending for it to be creepy just Alexander enjoying being a know-it-all too much. ;P