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In august I had to house sit and take care of my brothers elderly cat for a week so I brought my ipad, watercolours and coloured pencils.
I have never used this Stonehenge paper with coloured pencils before, results are okay. It couldn't take that much layering despite being hot press watercolour paper.
I might try it again or try watercolour pencils too but otherwise I'll reserve this paper to gouache/watercolour only.

I posted wips in the discord for $5(bronze) and up



C. F. Becker

Love that sly look. The fact you were babysitting an elderly cat when you drew this sly, hungry-looking coyote is suspicious, though. 🤔


A smug turd indeed!

redcoatcat (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-15 11:38:13 <img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/7jhIpVFpHna2_9gGW7j34aJ4nQP38PeVOVQKI14xAUAGNM_xzlMixISctIKumOJ4.jpg?token-time=1643500800&token-hash=313fHDRmo9nPjvCC6ASfgByZsFbKMwY1vNjL45KukSQ%3D">
2021-09-06 21:29:35 <img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/7jhIpVFpHna2_9gGW7j34aJ4nQP38PeVOVQKI14xAUAGNM_xzlMixISctIKumOJ4.jpg?token-time=1711238400&token-hash=o1-kAsW532VC1RuG3P_SxgtKrXNefPFcbkTcWPTeqIM%3D">

<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/7jhIpVFpHna2_9gGW7j34aJ4nQP38PeVOVQKI14xAUAGNM_xzlMixISctIKumOJ4.jpg?token-time=1711238400&token-hash=o1-kAsW532VC1RuG3P_SxgtKrXNefPFcbkTcWPTeqIM%3D">


I was using Patreon app which did not include the text. So I drew a coyote because Kojote asked me too, I also drew a mainecoon cat that is unfinished. This is the cat I took care of his name is Mickey he is 20 years old and has sever dementia. He's a very very sweet bean, I'm glad I got to see him for a bit before we move as with his age and health I'm not sure I'll see him again.