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So as I stated in the wip post I need covers for the website organization so we can have a MUCH nicer way to read back pages than navigating patreon tags.
So I have to start making covers in a timely manner, hopefully this will be the last one I do while I'm already working on said issue.

I will get to the regular comic pages asap.

I attached the title-less version.




Awesome cover art! There are large slobbery beasties running around in the third ring?

Mud Dog

Love the lighting here!!


YEs there is! They are called Anomalies no one exactly knows what they are, some think they are mutated ferum, some think they are wildlife from beyond the walls, others think this is what chimeras become if you cross too many species together. Some are small, some are HUGE. Also my excuse to draw big monster fights :D :D :D


thank you! I've really been trying to improve my lighting as it really makes or breaks cell shading.


Excellent reasoning. :D I hope they aren't mutated ferum or over mixed chimeras, but I could see those in charge spreading those rumors to justify keeping chimeras in the third ring... Now that I think about it. Chimera are exiled to the third ring, pure bred ferum are in the second ring... who lives in the first ring? O.o


You are asking allllll the right questions, soon you will find out there once was a 4th ring but it has collapsed and been sealed off ;D Some will be answered in this issue, some will be answered a little later. :P