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Happy holidays and a good start into 2021!
It's been a crazy year starting it out in the Hospital, recovering from surgery to delaying my move to Germany for a whole year and loosing my cat Tatya which was the hardest blow.

It hasn't been an easy year for many people but I said to myself I want to focus on my own projects and my own stories. We only got so much time on this planet and I have so many stories I want to tell.
I greatly appreciate the support all of you have given me. Quite frankly I wouldn't be able to dedicate the 3 days a week to working on my comic if it wasn't for this support.

Take care,



I'm so sorry for Tatya. I know your pain. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I hope next year makes up for the horrible one we all just had. *hugs*


Pets are the best friends someone can have, she's the youngest cat I've lost as she would have been turning 8. What was so random was I had just brought her to the vet for a check up, as my blood clot I got from surgery passed so I was getting a general check up for my cats to start the move. Vet was like 'yah she's doing great, has a lot more weight on her, Tatya doing well' 3 days later she had a massive seizure, I brought her to the animal er that day and then she had several others while there and stopped breathing. They tried to resuscitate her but she was gone. It was like so random, she wasn't epileptic. Vet thinks she had a brain tumour no one knew of or could have known because like she showed no neurological issues. Despite that was like last March not to sound overly dramatic I'm still shocked by it. It was like a lighting strike. I miss her a lot.


I absolutely understand. When I had them, my cats were my best friends and my babies. I miss them. I want to get another (or three) but I don't know if I could stand losing them, so for now I'm waiting.


I look it at as the joy and memories out weigh the pain but everyone is different. I really do need the rando cats brings in my life. I still have Tora she's 17 and loves sleeping on a heating pad while I work.

Mud Dog

All we can do it look towards the future and cherish our memories. I'm excited to see where your stories take us!