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Tom cat will never be chained again. 

This is 9X6 hot press paper done with Faber Castell Albrecht Durer pencils, two pencils from Caran D'aAche museum aquarelle and base was painted in Qor Watercolour.

So this was a learning process. I like it..... but it's NOT QUITE what I want.
I still prefer my gouache as ironically I feel I can get better vibrancy/shape(irony is that gouache is known to be dull) but I have years of experience with gouache compared to this as this was my second piece in water soluble pencils(not counting my lifetime ago of forced to use them and hated them art classes)

I have learned the dreaded wax bloom which is to be expected when working on hot press paper and trying to make a super dark figure.
Next one I want to make my watercolour base MUCH darker and maybe try a surface with more tooth.  I do have some illustration board that has some tooth to it so I'll try it on that too.



Phantasmas35 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-15 12:29:10 Beautiful and precious King <3
2020-11-25 22:48:26 Beautiful and precious King <3

Beautiful and precious King <3