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So my productivity this week is down.

So long story, had crohns diease flare up caused a lot of pain from eating a beet last week, pain caused me to clench my teeth so a back tooth freaked out and been causing me pain since.
Crohns disease calms down, cool no hospital!... Bring my cat Tatya to the vet on Saturday for congestion and then get told she has fluids in her abdomen. Agree to bring her back Monday.
Bring Tatya to the vet on Monday, she gets sedated and we find no fluids. Vet charges me only for materials and we agree to put her on steroids otherwise she will refer me to an internal medicine vet for cats on the island to consult for Tatya.
So far Tatya has responded well to the steroids as we suspect she has IBS.

I visit the dentist after this on Tuesday, dentist tells me I'm clenching my teeth, my tooth either needs a root canal/crown OR with anti-inflammatory drugs to calm down and minor work done it and a bite guard made. I know I grind with crohns disease pain AND my migraines.
So far it's been better, pain isn't gone but it's more manageable of flaring up 4-5 times a day compared to every hour. From Saturday to Tuesday I got no sleep, maybe 10 minutes before the tooth pain woke me up. It was unpleasant.
So I painted this on Wednesday after I got my first nights sleep... Sleep is AMAZING, so is being productive because I HATE not working. Making art makes me happy.

I'll try to get the Vulture done asap.




Oh man...when it rains! Also this is a stunning WIP!!! Excited to see the vulture.


Amazing so far! Hope you feel better soon!


As I see it, could have been much worse so it's not all bad. Just was a lot of bad at once with not so bad outcomes.


thanks, my tooth is responding to the meds, not completely but it's more manageable than it was.