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So long time ago I made my own pantheon of gods combining western symbolism. This guy was rebirth or revivescere  to live again.
He's a human with the skull of a cat, it's not that he is a cat he just cannot see his face/know his name/etc.
Has a twelve point crown/halo/crown of immortality that is often deer horns locked in a circle that either glow/on fire/or candles.
Also always is chained/locked like a prisoner.
He carried a lantern, scythe(other farming equipment is okay too), or a sword without a scabbard.
Since he is a symbol of change his appearance is never the same just the themes.
Animals associated with him are cats, crows/magpies, black stags and pikes(the fish).

He is not suppose to be a pleasant figure either, constantly trying to trick mortals to taking his place so he can long last sleep. He is the voice you swear you heard, the shadow in the corner of your eye,  the silence that seems too quite and the eyes that watch you when you are alone.
I also connect him with why creative types go crazy as he will make everything you make unsatisfying and toy with you like a fickle muse (inspired but not enough to finish anything).

I'm not thrilled with this sketch, I may come back to it but his antler crown is off.




That's really cool Meezer.