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It's long over due to upload some Katzbalger related content. I hit a huge writing block last fall which I'm luckily over and chipping away again at the story.

So some of these are characters but I wanted to make a rough size chart.
This comics anthros are more metaphorical or symbolic than literal. Using species as representations of class divides, the rise of cities and urban life.
So the rising of what would become the middle class/merchants are animals that can adapt to urban life.
Think of the parallel of how wolves are being pushed out and now Jackals have moved in, or large red deer compared to the adaptability of roe deer.  

Overall I don't dwell too much on animals being what they are, if I would focus too much on that it would take away from the setting which is 16th century Germany. First and foremost I like to write this as a historical fiction but trying to present it with masks of anthropomorphics.

This is a general size chart as I always like some size difference but in a way that still doesn't feel toooo fantastic.
Red Deer, Brown Bear and Eurasian Boar are considered large height.
Basically Goat to the Wild Cat are considered average height.
Pine Marten to the Mouse are considered short.

All individuals range, shorter boar to a taller Marten etc.

I'll be uploading a lot more concerning this project as well as my other comic I'm working on that is more light hearted.




Oh I love these designs and this concept so much!


Thanks, I had fun with this, original line was maybe 4 characters and it kept growing. :P