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So I'll be redoing some of the tiers here on Patreon, I'll be changing the Silver ($15) and the Gold ($25) tier to be a random monthly draw which will be a digital or traditional sketch.
Sometimes I'll offer something more like a small painting or marker work, but by default it's a sketch, which I'll attach examples of.

How I will do the draw is starting in March everyone submits a character then I'll make a randomized list and start with the first submission on the top, if I have more time I'm going to illustrate more from the list.
Only thing is if you have won the previous month you'll automatically get put at the bottom of the list for the next month so other people get a chance to win. I want everyone on this tier getting a chance to get art.

Does this sound okay? I'm modeling it after the other patreon I co-run and that's gone quite smoothly.  Only rule is nothing X rated, I have my other patreon if you're wanting that.

Now onto content..

Also how is everyone attitudes towards artistic nudity? I mean like an unclothed character so nothing sexual? I don't want to upset anyone on posting refs but I often design adult characters naked in my comics. I've been a bit torn up on posting it as I don't like pushing anyones boundaries.

Another thing, the topic of fan art. I was thinking of posting it on here..maybe... I draw a lot of sci-fi as fan art because I love sci-fi genre I just don't feel all that original of ideas when it comes to that genre so it always is fan art. I also use fan art to push elements I'm weak in like composition and perspective/etc.
I also don't want people put off as I know fan art can be for those that follow an artist and they come for original content. I also make sure it doesn't dominate my art either (then it's not fun anymore when that happens)

Really I'm just an art horder, I make art I'm terrible about posting it as I over think sharing artwork.




Nudity is fine. And whatever artwork you wish to pursue is also fine, whether it is orginal creations or fan art.

Colin Leighton

Artistic nudity is chill with me =)


I like the push down when winning to give others a chance!! Also artistic nudity is fine with me. 😊