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I keep meaning to write more on here, it's hard for me because I don't feel it would be interesting but hey you're here for my art and cons are related to my art.

We arrived late Wednesday, no issue with TSA or US customs it was pretty stress free. Even got our seats together on the plane as my fiance has a PR card and is not a Canadian national so often we can't check into flights because they need to verify his PR card in person.
So despite booking together airlines break us apart. :|  

Set up is always on Thursday for both art show and dealers room. I like to have art show done so it's no longer a worry and out of the way. Dealers room I can always fix things Friday morning before it opens.
Setting these up took a lot longer than expected and was quite draining despite I had my fiance there and another friend helping. More likely due to I forgot a ton of things,(Like all my price signs) thank goodness for Micheal's store just a short ride away!
Also I left a lot con stuff in Germany at my inlaws house after Eurofurence last year.

 We also totally hit up a trader joes, as I could live in a trader joes dumpster so I picked up a few things to take back to Canada and Kojote got some beer. He always has beer.

Friday sales were odd, I sold a lot of merchandise when Fridays normally are super commission heavy for me. I'm used to mid day I'm sold out on commissions probably for the rest of the con with maybe a space opening up on Saturday or Sunday morning depending on how productive I am.
Nope it was mostly merchandise and I think 5 commissions.

Saturday I got more commissions but again a lot of merchandise. The same for Sunday too I even finished on spot that day commissions on Sunday at my table.

This wasn't a bad con, I made good profit and covered both our expenses. It was just odd, this year there wasn't that many familiar faces in the dealers room either. I still enjoyed myself as FC is a super chill con for me.

I did come down with con crud, which I have been dealing with for the past week.

This was my only US con this year, I'm going to be having surgery at some point annnnnnd we plan on later this year like fall or later to move to Germany. So I don't know how many cons I can attend till I get my residency worked out while being in Germany.




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