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So it dawned on me I rarely paint Tortoiseshell cats, which torties have a soft spot in my heart as my first cat Minksy was a Tortie. I seen her as like a sister in a troubled childhood.

This was painted with acrylic ink background and the cat is done in gouache on 6X6 aquaboard. Now due to the opaque way I wanted to paint the background I had to mask off the cat which is when I learned aquaboard and masking fluid are not a great combo but luckily I was painting opaque so the strange discolouring effect it has(on a clear mask) wasn't harmful but to watercolours would be.

I'm not unhappy with this but I'm also not thrilled either. I like the original much much more, the scan is okay.
I will take photos of it in the canvas drop frame once I mount it in.

I will be bringing this original to Eurofurence art show.



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