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Long time coming I switched hosts for my website, my Canadian host was awful and I knew it.
I migrated things over to the new site with that I'm moving away from RedCoatCat to CatsComics.com
RedCoatCat.com will still work.

I've always called myself Meezer so that will never change, just Meezer isn't a real word and is hard to spell so I'll keep a 'brand' name to something easy to spell.
I like cats and I make comics.

Same for conventions I'll stop having my table as RedCoatCat after this year, only con I have left is Eurofurence which will be the last time I use that name.

I will be commissioning a new layout for CatsComics.com as I want my website to be reliable reading for my audience as the Patreon collections are a step in the right direction but are still kinda shitty archiving system. I have strong opinions on what Patreon actually offers. :|
The new comic project will have it's own subdomain due to the rating.

I'm going to be making changes to the Patreon tiers but I will do that AFTER Issue 4 concludes of Synthetic Instinct and pre-orders for printed Syn volume 2.




Hey, cool! There's an issue where the "Login with Patreon" feature seems to lose my credentials when I close my browser - I have to login with Patreon every time I want to read the latest pages. Hope this can be addressed in the update!


I honestly have no idea why it does this. Might be something that will take awhile to fix.