Next update and development news (Patreon)
We'd like to tell you the next update will be a big step of our game, as you can see we'll have a new map with new locations, around 30 new places are planned and 10 are in development right now, that means, Chris and James are going to meet a lot of cool and interesting characters in the town.
First we'll fill the city with new characters, and players can explore their routes.
What are these routes anyway ?
Routes are basically a character's events in row, that starts from meet them for the first time at their locations then know them and make part of their lives day by day, and off course, no one can resist Chris charming personality, so, expect rewards from time to time when helping them. Game will display when you achieved an event in that particular route too.
First characters will be added then their routes will be developed, and why not put a popular vote to choice which one(s) will be the next, right ?!
Besides that, we'll have the main plot that will be add later, because we need more characters to make a good story and help Chris to discover who is paying her training at STP.
More news are coming, check this post for more incoming development.
Doubts ? Problems ? Ask away. :)
SM Team