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It's time for a field test and nothing better than you to test it. This is far the final demo version yet, but before go ahead why not see if we are in the right way. 

We want you to play and tell us what you think of the new engine, aesthetic, menus, etc.

You'll know our new characters and how they will be involved with Chris and James.While you play this we are working on the version 2 with a lot, I mean a loooot of cool features, we hope you have fun for now.

Go to our NEW website, log in  and download it.

If you have problems running the game (Win or Mac) or other issues let us know as soon as possible.


SM Team




Getting error when launching the game "Unable to find game". I'm on mac. Nvm I found solution: "xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/Sissy-Maker-Deluxe-Demo-v0.1.0-MAC/Sissy\ Maker\ DX\ Demo.app" run this in terminal.app


"Unable to find game" can normally be resolved by dragging the game app out of the zip folder first.

The Wandering Talespinner

Just went through the demo. You have REALLY good foundations here and I'm eagerly looking forward to the full version! Great work! :)


Compliments: 1) nice animations! 2) nice looking menu UI overhaul 3) Better writing it seems so far 4) Better and easier to memorize town format. Some feedback: 1) It would be nice if save can be more visible when in the settings menu 2) The dialog system is ok, but it is a bit annoying to keep waiting and switching between "talk" and "look around", is it possible to have talk be part of the look around to stream line this? 3)


the site won't load =(


Had same issue and had to try another browser. Was using firefox but got it to load in chrome.


Thumbs up for the nice job ^^


Problems ? Check our FAQ for doubts and issues in the bottom of the page: https://deluxe.sissymakergame.com/


Nice work, took a while for the main page to load but download was all fine. A little lag between each screen change but not enough to break the continuity. Looking forward to the nect release


I wonder if we could Export the save file from the Prequel to the Deluxe Sequel ?


Only issues were small grammatical errors and misspellings. I feel like the game could be a little faster paced


i cant seem to dowload the game, it keeps saying unlock with patreon


the yes and no options for minor actions like leaving the building slow down the game play. Being able to click on objects to make choices seems to take care of that. Reserving the yes and no questions for actions that could alter the story line would seem more appropriate. other than that the demo looks fantastic in comparison to V4.0. :)


REALLY NICE! Hope you can customize hose size and stuff.


here is another question to add to the FAQ: Will there be Sissy Maker Classic or Deluxe for android?


this might be a weird question but was / is there ever a path where james would have gone down the STP route or no.


Hey long time supporter here and I gotta ask, in this game is james going to matter at all? I've suported you guys since 1.0 I think, and what really drew me to this game was the thought that you would be the dom, and the demo made it feel like james would be the main character but as the game was developed james basically faded into obscurity(granted I havent played since I think 3.0). Every new update just felt like another route where chris gets boned by some one else and james is sitting there going why am I still in this game. I don't want this comment to seem very negative I still love your art work and trans/shemale/whatever you want to label it type porn is fairly rare so I of course would want to support it especially at this level of quality but it really seems like where you started with sissy maker 1.0 to where you ended up are so radicially different. Every update felt centered on chris. The nadia content was great but none of the stp girls had any rotues outside of their one scene, and it really begs the question what's the point of james's character? He feels like he should be the self insert for the player but with how little relvevance he plays to a huge number of the games routes (off the top of my head, kanes, devils) why isn't chris the main character and james just relegated to his routes. It's disheartening to have expected to play as james and just constantly see him get cucked. I just want to say despite my frustrations with how james' was introduced vs where he ended up. I still have supported you for several years because I do like what you guys are doing. Don't let my critque be mistaken for anger or resentment.


im curious how it develops, but the mission markers are really slow the yellow text bit, and overal it isnt as fast paced as i liked, really want to move quicly trough the city and talk to people. ;) keep it up


Hi, thanks for the whole feedback you sent. All these points are being revised, game lost its main idea for sure in the Classic version, that's why Deluxe is taking a longer time, we don't want to repeat the same previous mistakes. Thanks for all the feedback again. :)


Unfortunately we have some healthy problems in the last weeks and this caused a big delay. Everybody is fine now and back on track. Thanks for understanding.


Hey, how far along are you guys for another update?


It would be nice to get some update at least some plans for 2021. As an patreon :)


Man, it is almost a year since the announcement, I am questioning if I should continue or not.


Never mind! :)


Still no updates but they are happy to take my money every month as we wait.