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As we have promised here is the next update !

One of the most patrons expectations between characters was finally included in this update, can you guess what it is ? ;)

And a very importante information: 2 of the 3 sex events in this update are side events and require specific conditions to trigger. 

Please check game manual (that will be released in a few days) if you need help.

Download for Windows is HERE and for MAC users is HERE. 

What's new in version 1.71 ?

  • 13 CGs.
  • 6 Events, including 3 sex events (2 of the 3 sex events are side events and they are very specific; check game manual later if you need help.)
  • 1 Location.
  • 2 BGs (morning,afternoon,evening,late night).
  • 2 Characters (5 expressions in total).
  • Bank account system (savings, investments, loans).
  • 5 helper events to help the player to trigger some major events.


  • Some major events are now eaiser to trigger.
  • Games will now start with $500 instead of $1000.
  • Visual: text will now fade in smoothly.
  • Credit screen.


  • After some circumstances, players were taken to the dealine event and be treated as they failed to pay the debt. This is now fixed.
  • A few other minor fixes.

Questions ?  Doubts ? Bugs ? Anything, just ask away ! 

SM Team 




Great job team! Can't wait to check it out :) shame it released after the weekend ;)


Hi patrons, please keep the cash in hand above the debt after the deadline for now. I made a mistake that for not having enough cash after the deadline, you will be treated as you fail to pay the debt. Sorry again. We will be fixing this asap. (EDIT: v1.71 is being uploaded which fixes this issue.)


umm bad pratice to say to your userbase to download more then one file at ones.. no matter the size theres others that can make it work try to find a better solution, becouse this is kinda a turn of for me, allreaddy have a problem with the dl, and i just think what happens if the file extends over 400MB? 3 dl's needed? not a great idea... tbh :)


This is just a temporarily solution, we are finding a better way to do it, no worries :D


Have no idea how to trigger the new sex events other than the one in the bank. Also, have not met the other character that's supposed to give tips.


This is just a temporary solution, we are working on a better way to store files, sorry for any problem.


hm i can't get the data.win to download at all ^~^


I have a bug. Not paying the bank debt after 30 days doesn't work, it just goes over the number. it's saying 31/30, 32/30, etc.


Nothing has triggered for me with this new update. :/ I have the money for the debt but still 38 days out from deadline


Same, have only gotten the new bank scene to trigger. Without the guide, it's impossible to know what the hell the conditions for the other events are. They should release two changelogs with the game. One that has no spoilers and just gives a sllight heads up on the new stuff and the other with spoilers that tell you how to get the new events and scenes.

Fred Savage

How do I get the Nady XXX scenes to trigger?


Thanks for the update! But Auto save is not working, lost 30 days of the game:(


Game guide was just posted, there you can find what you are looking for...


This is now addressed. It will be fixed in the next update. Sorry for the trouble :|


Can't seem to get the scene between James and Nady to trigger. Something wrong?

Inceton games

woohoo free goodies! xd


Sissy Maker, Dear developers: * I ask you, make a game for the android platform. Then the number of fans will increase) I very much ask you please: ****