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Every mistake has its good side, in our case, it showed us how to do the right thing for everyone here. 

This guide will be like an oasis in the desert for patrons stuck in the game and covers the last version (1.60).

File is attached in the post.

By the way, we are finishing the next update, wait for news this very week.

Stay tuned !




I already dropped my support. Stop spamming my inbox, or I will report you to Patreon.


Just for the hell of it, I started looking through the effects of the answers on the survey, and...wow. Just rethink what the fuck you're doing. Why does answering "What’s the hardest thing to tell to your parents?" with "I'm gay" result in an increase in masculinity and decrease in femininity? Are you aware that people can be gay without being male? Ignoring that, it would make at least as much sense to reverse both of those effects, since you're obviously trying to make Chris into a sissy who is *attracted to men*. Seriously, what were you thinking?


And why the fuck would having a favorite musical style of Jazz result in a decrease in Charisma? How does that make *any sense*?


And...holy shit, if increasing strength makes Chris' figure more masculine, then why would STP want him to increase his strength so that he can leg press 200 pounds? Seriously, rethink what you're doing. Rethink your entire story and design from the bottom up.


This is a work in progress and they may be just place holders or something over looked. Besides, if you are not supporting them anymore, why does this matter?


No. If I were mad, I would've just filed the report and been done with it.


We don't have control of the emails Patreon sends to you, if you dropped the support this very month you'll get emails yet. You probably can solve it acessing your Email Settings and disable one of the options. But If you stopped the support last month and still getting emails, you should complain with Patreon and not with us.


This is great, thanks. Was too hard before, now I can play the game better.


Thank you for making this guide.


I haven't read the guide yet, as I don't really see the point as I've played through most of the content, and what I missed I'll look for when I get to play the next version, and thus effectively increase the amount of content I'll enjoy in the next version. But I do have to say if that troll/idiot hog_jockey's comments on the starting questionnaire are truthful... I can't really say what's the actual point of the starting questionnaire. It's not really a deal breaker, but it does raise some eyebrows. Also, the intro video. IIRC the video is 60mb of the 160mb game, or something, right? You should make a poll asking how many people watch it through. I sure as hell don't... not that measly 60mb matters, but it's kinda funny that basically 1/3rd of the final game size is basically hot air to me. Heh. Just a thought.


I'm glad you posted this. I had no idea that ver 1.6 had added so much.