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Geeky Izzy had always believed in taking risks, but gambling potential volunteer hours in a game of chess was something entirely new. It was a little scary, but she was also looking forward to an easy game. She had convinced herself it would be a quick, decisive victory since she had so much experience. It seemed like a free win. However, the old witch, Penelope, had other plans that made playing even more enticing. 

Offering Izzy the power to seduce any man, the stakes were high. Izzy's victory meant gaining an irresistible charm without having to pay a stupidly high amount for a charm. Penelope was a popular witch who provided good luck charms to people willing to pay her. Izzy wasn’t particularly rich, so the old woman offered an alternative. However, losing meant offering herself to the whims of the witch – she would be free labor who had to listen to the witch’s every order. “You’ll do as I want,” the old woman had said.

That didn’t seem like that bad of a deal. Izzy figured that she could get a decent amount of work experience here, even if she lost. To her, this was a win-win scenario. Personally, Izzy battled insecurities about her appearance, so having a chance to actually win a free charm from a world-renowned witch made this all worth it. Her self-confidence had never been strong, often feeling overshadowed by her perceived flaws. Despite these fears, chess was her stronghold. As the former president of her high school chess club and a competitor against top players in college, Izzy felt a surge of confidence. She believed her strategic prowess would triumph over the old witch.

The game commenced with a tension that hung heavy in the air. Each move was a dance of minds, a battle of wits. Izzy played with a focus born from years of practice, her every move calculated and precise. Sadly, with each move, Izzy felt her chances of winning slip away.

In the end, it was Penelope who declared victory. "Check mate," she announced with a sly smirk. “Are you ready to do as I please and submit to my desires?”

The young woman sighed. It felt like any loss – Izzy felt horrible. But there was something else burning at the center of her chest as she said “yes.” She didn’t realize it, but at that moment, the room was suddenly filled with a blinding white light, engulfing everything in its intensity while she felt like she was about to throw up.

When the light faded, Izzy found herself staring into her reflection. She was sitting in front of the chess board, her heart racing from the intensity of what she had just experienced. It took her a moment to realize that she wasn’t in her own body. Her “reflection” smiled back at her as her hands ran along her shoulders. “Much better,” the body thief laughed. “Thank you for saying yes. Body swapping only works if you say yes. Gosh, I can’t believe you didn’t like how you looked. You’re such a beautiful girl. And now, your body is all mine.” 

Izzy was shocked at what had happened. “W-Wait, what? I said yes to volunteeri-“

The body thief cackled. “You said yes to submitting to my desires,” she said. “That’s actually a slightly different thing. I placed a hex on you. It helped trigger the body swap spell. Now, your body’s all mine.” Izzy opened her mouth and was about to scream when the body thief snapped her fingers. Izzy could no longer speak. Penelope laughed and continued. “Maybe you shouldn’t have delved into magic in the first place. I’m sure you’ll start to think that way while you live in my old body for the rest of your days. Now, I’m going to head out. You’ll find that you won’t be able to tell anybody about what had happened. That’s part of the hex I placed on myself before I took your sexy little body. I’ll see you later, PENELOPE!”



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