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Josh's heart pounded rapidly as he struggled to walk across the room. Just moments ago, he had been drifting to sleep in his own bed when a deafening explosion rocked the entire house. He remembered a jolt of heat and his fingers curling from the pain. The force of the blast had been so intense that the house seemed to shake on its foundations while he let out a grunt. Now, he found himself standing in a completely unfamiliar room, his feet encased in high heels that made each step a challenge.

His head was still spinning, and a strange heat was bubbling up from his lower depths. With great effort, he managed to leave the room, stepping out into an ornate hallway. The realization hit him hard: he was in someone else's house. Panic began to set in as he tried to make sense of the situation. “What the fuck?” Josh whispered in a female voice that he didn’t recognize. “Why do I sound like a chick?”

Josh soon stumbled into a nearby bathroom, seeking a moment of respite. The sight that greeted him in the mirror stopped him in his tracks. Staring back at him was a woman with brown hair, her features stunningly beautiful. Reaching up, he cupped his new breasts and let out a smirk. Strange ripples of heat ebbed through him while he stared into his beautiful eyes. He looked like a hooker in his pink lingerie.

“God damn,” he whispered. He couldn’t deny the beauty of the reflection, but the shock of seeing himself in another woman's body was overwhelming while he looked at himself from the side. He was trying to get a better angle when he nearly fell over again. Frowning, he hastily kicked off the high heels and walked back to the room, feeling a bit more stable barefoot.

In the room, Josh found a cell phone lying on a dresser. He turned it on and was bombarded with a stream of notifications. One from a news channel caught his eye. With a trembling hand, he tapped on the notification and was greeted with a headline that seemed impossible. According to the news, millions of people around the world had just experienced body swaps. They called it "The Great Shift". The reality of the situation began to sink in; he was trapped in another woman's body, potentially until a solution could be found.

Driven by curiosity and a need to understand his new situation, Josh explored what he discovered was a mansion. His eyes returned to the cell phone in his hand, and he began to search through its contents. He found the social media account of the woman whose body he now inhabited: Erica Pinkerton. He saw photos and videos of her on yachts and going to expensive restaurants. The realization that he was now a rich slut was both exciting and surreal. “Maybe being stuck in this body isn’t going to be so bad…”

As he scrolled through Erica's social media, trying to piece together her life, a stern voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. Startled, he turned to see a middle-aged woman standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, her expression one of confusion and disapproval.

"What are you doing in my house?" she asked, her voice firm and unwavering. “He said he wasn’t seeing you at all. Why are you dressed like this? Why are you dressed like this if nothing’s happening between you two?”

Josh felt a wave of panic. He tried to explain, but the words failed to come. He would soon learn that he was talking to Deborah, Darren Allister’s wife. Erica was a personal assistant who frequently did work with Darren, who happened to be an extremely rich and old CEO who ran multiple companies. Apparently, Deborah wasn’t supposed to be home that night, but the Great Shift forced her to come home to make sure her husband was alright. He was getting condoms at the store down the road. His soul wasn’t affected by the Great Shift. Instead, she found Erica’s body getting ready for a fun evening with her husband. Josh wasn’t trapped in a rich girl’s body – he was a broke woman who was about to lose his job.



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