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When Megan found her body transforming into a slightly chubbier girl, she didn't realize it was Caitlyn's body until after the spell was done. She was horrified at the fact that she was now double her size, but when she realized that she had a slit of her own, she was ecstatic. As a transgender woman, she had always wondered what it was like to have one.

It ended up being more exciting than what she had fantasized about. Sure, she wasn't as busty or curvy as her old body, but that didn't mean she couldn't make any changes. With a bit more exercise, she figured that her body could easily outmatch her old one. And when silly Caitlyn ended up coming to her to help try switching their attributes back, Megan found out the reason for all of this. "You wanted my body," Megan laughed. "You can keep it."

"I made a mistake," Caitlyn insisted. "I … I didn't want to make this permanent or anything like that. It was actually me reading the wrong spell." The new transgender woman pulled out a tattered book and held it out to her. "See for yourself."

Megan raised a brow as she took it. "The wrong spell, huh?" There was a strange warmth to the pages as she opened it up. "And you want me to utter the spell to switch us back? Why can't you do it?"

Caitlyn seemed to be deep in thought. It was almost like she was trying to come up with a believable lie. Unfortunately, Megan could see right through it - she stayed quiet to let the witch fumble with her words. "When I switched our attributes, I also gave you my ability to use magic. We can't switch back until you use the spell."

A sly smile stretched over Megan's lips. "That's very fortunate for me," she said. "But very unfortunate for you. You can keep my body. This body isn't even that bad - I don't know why you wanted to give it up so badly. But I bet I can find a spell that'll help me lose some weight. If not, I'll just take care of it. Your body's honestly the perfect clean slate."

"But y-you're popular," Caitlyn stammered. "You'll be giving it all up…"

Megan shrugged. "Popularity's overrated. Besides, I’m not as popular as you think. I’ve had my own fair share of shit. Maybe you'll figure it out now that you're in my body, but until then, get the fuck away from me."

Megan looked down at the spell book with an excited grin. She found a spell that could repel people around her. With a flick of her wrist, she whispered "Validus dis." Megan sent Caitlyn stumbling backwards, tripping over her own feet and falling to the floor. She winced, struggling to get up, and Megan couldn't help but giggle. "Wow, that's really cool. Fuck, I can't believe I can actually use magic now."

She was in control now, and she was going to make the most of it. With another snap of her fingers, she pushed Caitlyn back again and watched her transgender body cry. Megan quickly gathered her belongings and headed out of the room, leaving Caitlyn to wallow in her own defeat. Megan had never felt so powerful. While she could never find a spell that could help her lose weight, she was able to get into decent shape within two months. Sure, Caitlyn's body was chunkier in some places, but that easily faded away with exercise and some intermittent fasting. By the time the second month rolled by, Caitlyn was horrified to discover that Megan had made her body better than ever.

People were actively trying to be the new Caitlyn's friend too, and what hurt the most was how people slowly began to mock the new Megan behind her back. It turned out that Megan's life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. She faced constant harassment wherever she went, and while she inevitably found a boyfriend to make her feel loved, Caitlyn realized that she had given up something that was perfect the way it was. She had lost her powers and a body with unlimited potential, and she was going to have to live with the consequences.



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