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Feeling the air against Gina's new Asian body was an incredible sensation that she hadn't felt in decades. Smiling, her slender hand tightened around Jared's as she rested her head against his shoulder. The park was completely empty, and they had the entire place to themselves. After being confined to a wheelchair after a car accident, she adjusted to her new life and had tons of difficulties as a transgender woman. She continued her career as a teacher and ended up struggling financially towards the beginning of her retirement, and she realized that life was going to be horrible. But when the Body Donor Program offered her a chance to have her mind permanently swapped with a willing participant, she jumped at the opportunity to use their mind swapping pods.

The Body Donor Program involved people who weren't happy with society or people who wanted the government to help provide for their families. A donor could gain a lifetime income stream from the government, and the income would go to a member of their family. The only catch was that the donor had to be physically capable of doing this. The point of the program was to help increase productivity in the nation's economy, and giving highly skilled people like Gina a second chance in life meant a higher likelihood of more output in most circumstances.

In Gina's case, her strong ability to teach young people was what caught the eyes of several government officials. Teaching was a hard job, and people were avoiding the profession in droves. By giving Gina a young body, the chances of her teaching more people meant a greater return in utility. So, when Gina had a chance to actually get a new body, she was pleased to learn that her newfound youth had given her so much more life. She was given the healthy body of 28-year-old Kelsey Petrie, a woman whose family was in a large amount of gambling debt.

The great thing about Gina's new body was the sensitivity she felt. A completely foreign body opened the naughtier side of her, and not having a cock was a completely new experience. She never had this much libido, and the fact that Kelsey had such a handsome boyfriend made her new life all the more fun. She could still be known as Gina, but being called Kelsey and seducing Jared made her new life a lot more exciting. He knew that Gina had swapped bodies with Kelsey, yet after getting a chance to really experience an older woman in a young person's body, he decided to stay intimately involved with her.

Even now, she could feel the goosebumps on her arms, the sweat on her back, and the heat radiating from her core while they found a spot to sit and relax in the summer sun. Gina inhaled the sweet aroma of the flowers around them, and the smell of freshly cut grass tickled her nose. She smiled as she looked at the sky, noting how bright it was without her old eyesight. Walking long distances wasn't an issue anymore, and her breathing wasn't raspy or short. 

Everything seemed brighter, and she was thankful for the chance to experience this new life. Her newfound youth came with some downsides, though. She had to keep working as a teacher in order to avoid the hefty fees that the government would impose on her if she decided to use her body for another purpose. Still, that was fine. She was thankful for everything that the Body Donor Program had given her and was glad she was able to have a second chance at love and life. Kelsey would remain in her elderly body, unable to regain the same love Jared gave to Gina now that they had swapped bodies. The elderly woman couldn't wait to see what the future held for her, and she hoped that her newfound youth would keep her feeling alive and vibrant for many years to come.



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