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Amanda was trapped in a state of suspended animation while Tyler's consciousness seemingly took over. She knew that couldn't have been true, though - she watched Tyler leave for the night. She couldn’t speak or move, but she was able to observe everything that was happening around her as she slowly pieced together what had happened.

After swapping bodies with Tyler, they went longer than the suggested timeframe. They were supposed to swap back within four hours, but they ended up being swapped for over twelve hours. Something must have happened to the point where Tyler's soul latched on to her body after the swap. A little bit of Tyler was left behind, and it was powerful enough to control Amanda's body.

"This can't be happening," her stolen face whispered. "I watched myself walk away. Am I the lust my body left behind? Am I the dark thoughts? I don't understand. But I remember everything - I'm the real Tyler. How did this happen?"

Amanda remained trapped in her own body while Tyler's mind began to weaken her thoughts. She felt slower and weaker while she watched her possessed body move throughout her dorm room. She could tell that her body was looking for her cell phone, but she knew that there was no way for him to know where he hid her things. She kept her cell phone in a magically sealed book in her bookcase. But when he snapped his fingers and found her cell phone, she was shocked to discover that he could see her memories.

It was like having her consciousness suspended in a state of non-being - she was trapped and unable to do anything but watch. She reached out with her magic to try and get a hold of his soul. Sadly, no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t do it. This fragment of Tyler's soul was too strong - he was controlling her body, and he was starting to manipulate her thoughts to the point where her mind became absorbed.

But to the fragment of Tyler's soul, he wasn't aware that Amanda knew what was happening. He wasn't aware that she was being absorbed by his own soul. He also wasn't aware that his soul fragment was becoming full thanks to Amanda's soul. Instead, he was too busy being ecstatic over the fact that he had become his crush. The real Tyler was back in his dorm thinking about the swap, but his soul fragment was excited to learn that he had effectively replaced the real Amanda. From his point of view, the real Amanda was gone now, and he was the new Amanda.

As the fragment of Tyler's soul became more comfortable in his new body, he started to get a sense of Amanda's feelings. He started to feel a connection with her, and he was amazed by his newfound magical abilities as they intertwined with her own natural reserves. He quickly discovered that he could do magic that Amanda couldn't do - it was like he was evolving with her body. It was a strange sensation that he never had before, but it made him feel powerful and alive.

Unfortunately, as his soul fragment became stronger, he also started to feel Amanda's fears. He realized that he had absorbed her soul, and he also discovered that she was long gone. That didn't make him feel worse, though - as the new Amanda, he was thrilled to know that there was nothing his former crush could do while he re-learned everything about her life.

The soul fragment thought that he'd at least treat the real Tyler with a piece of his body. He knew that he liked Amanda a lot. But when Amanda's personality began to influence his own, he realized that doing so wasn't a good idea. The real Tyler might have tried to fix things, and the soul fragment didn't want to have that happen. Especially after learning that Amanda's boyfriend was a rich aristocrat with the most gorgeous face and body. Being the new Amanda was a wonderful little accident that the real Tyler would never know about.



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