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"Is this really all that has to be done?" Alex asked while his hot hand wrapped around hers.

Rosa nodded and smirked as she watched the wooden tiara burn in the fireplace. "It should be gone soon. Nobody will ever be able to use it again."

"And you'll be her forever?"

Rosa kissed her new boyfriend's lips. "You'd better start calling me Shelly from now on. Forever."

It was the only thing that would make her mind return to her body, and she didn't plan on leaving her current vessel after tricking her classmate, Shelly, into switching bodies with her. Shelly had been struggling to get through her final Spanish exam. She was having so many difficulties, to the point where Rosa pretended to feel awful for her. Since Spanish was her mother tongue, she happily suggested an interesting approach to getting her through her final exam. 

Rosa came from an extremely superstitious family, and because they believed in magic, they ended up hoarding seemingly magical artifacts that they hid from the world. Rosa knew that her great grandmother's tiara could astrally project one's mind into another person's body, but when two people shared it, they could astrally project their minds into each other. 

So Rosa and Shelly swapped bodies. While Rosa lived on in Shelly's beautiful body, Shelly immersed herself in Mexican culture and cuisine. For the first week, she loved it, and she had no idea that Rosa was planning on running off with her beautiful body.

Rosa had always been the one who didn't fit in at school, and Shelly had been one of the popular girls. They'd known each other since high school, but the Mexican woman slowly grew jealous of her friend's life. With Shelly's gorgeous face and voluptuous figure, Rosa had finally gotten the attention she had always craved. The best thing about Shelly's life was that she came from an extremely rich family - Rosa's family was poor and had a lot of drug addicts.

And as Rosa stared into the burning fireplace, she couldn't stop herself from laughing. She could have kept the tiara for herself and found a new body, but after realizing that Shelly was starting to ask when they would swap back, they needed to make sure that they would never be able to switch back. Green and yellow flames emerged from the tiara, and the dark magic sealed within its wooden exterior began to fade away.

Shelly was trapped in Rosa's body, and Rosa was free to do whatever she wanted with her newfound beauty. As the tiara melted away into ash, Rosa looked in the mirror, admiring her reflection from the front and side. She pulled up her hair in a ponytail and smiled when she realized that this was going to be her body forever. She could see why men would chase her around everywhere she went, and now she'd always have it.

As the couple held hands, they walked away from the burning fire and stepped out of the house. With the tiara destroyed, neither Shelly nor Rosa would ever be able to find their way back to each other. Of course, this wouldn't be without consequences. It would take Shelly nearly two weeks before she realized that Rosa had dropped out of school after finishing her exam. The body thief cut all ties with her family after siphoning away a significant amount of money.



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