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Samuel stared down at his hands and noticed that they looked softer and smoother. His nails were a hot pink, and when he moved through the completely foreign room, he felt his breasts and protruding tummy bouncing with every step. And when he stopped at a nearby mirror, he was shocked to see long, luscious blonde hair and a beautiful face staring back at him. His face was chubby, and the rest of his body was curvy, but he was significantly younger than he actually was. 

He was shocked at what he was seeing. "What the heck?" Samuel whispered with the young woman's voice. "How did this happen?" Samuel could barely remember what happened. The last thing he remembered was falling in his dream. He moved through the bedroom and looked out the window, and he saw a familiar street below. He realized that he was in the same apartment building, but he wasn't on his floor. "I'm at a lower level," he realized. "Is my body upstairs?"

He began to panic. His heart was beating quickly, and he could feel his body trembling. He tried to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. "I need to find my body," he thought. "I need to go upstairs."

He left the bedroom and walked down the hallway, looking for the elevator. He pressed the button and waited anxiously. The doors opened, and he stepped inside. As he pressed the button for the fifth floor, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. When he reached his floor, he was met with a horrific sight.

There were paramedics wheeling his body towards the elevator. Samuel stepped out and stared at his lifeless 70-year-old body. He would later learn that his body had a heart attack, and he had died. His caregiver from the nursing agency, Alice, was sobbing at his doorstep.

He felt so conflicted about all of this. But rather than tell people that he was trapped in a woman's body, he decided that he would make the most of his second chance at life. He lived miserably on a pension that didn't pay enough. He spent decades in the Canadian military before becoming a personal trainer, and after a car accident left him with mobility issues for the next two decades, he was forced to live off of his legal compensation and a few social benefits.

That was never enough for him, especially as an unemployed senior. And now that he was a young woman, he noticed that there were all sorts of things about his new body. The warmth that emanated from between his legs and the desire he felt whenever he walked by his handsome neighbors made him realize that this might have been a gift. Living a difficult life and having a chance to be a 19-year-old college student was a reward, especially when he gained the courage to really explore himself.

He lost himself in the sensation of touching his soft skin and experiencing pleasure in new ways. In his old body, he had all sorts of mobility issues. He never went out. Now, he felt more alive than ever before despite being in a heavier body, and he was grateful for his second chance at life. He eventually learned more about Minnie thanks to her journal and her social media. She was on the slightly heavier side, so she had a few self-esteem and confidence issues. Because of this, she didn’t have too much direction in her life. Personally, Samuel wasn't very fond of her general studies program she was in either, but with him in control, he knew that he could make all the adjustments he’d need to maximize his success. After all, he owed it to Minnie, and he planned on making the most out of his second chance. 



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