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The magic flowing through Tara's new body made her realize that her gamble was all worth it. After training her beautiful 20-year-old neighbor in the art of sorcery, she realized that Michelle was starting to do more advanced forms of magic. It didn't take long before she began trying out the more serious spells that could damage other people’s lives. Michelle was a jealous college student who wanted to punish her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her. Tara used this to her advantage by urging her to get the revenge she wanted. Michelle ended up possessing her ex-boyfriend's body with a temporary astral projection spell.

Unfortunately, Tara didn't tell Michelle that leaving her body would allow anybody else to possess it. By the time Michelle had done every possible embarrassing thing imaginable, she discovered that the only body she could return to was the empty 70-year-old one that Tara had left behind.

Michelle was now stuck in a much older body, while Tara was enjoying her newfound freedom as a 20-year-old sorcery prodigy. "Tara, I don't understand. Why are you in my body?" The poor woman got up and winced when her joints began to ache. "Why am I in YOUR body?"

Tara giggled. "Well, after letting you do unspeakable acts to your ex-boyfriend, your body was perfect and ready for me to finally take it over. It's been a good few months of training you, but now that I'm in your body, your purpose has been served. I'm finally young again."

"Oh no, you're not going to get away with this, Tara."

Tara smirked. "I don't think you're in a position to make any demands, Michelle. You see, while you were busy trying to get revenge, I was busy removing your body's magic. Well … my OLD body's magic. Now, you can't even perform magic. I didn't want to give you an opportunity to use the magic that I taught you."

Frowning, Michelle snapped her fingers, and the horror on her face made Tara laugh. "Yup, there we go. It's working. Let me tell you - it was a VERY big gamble. You could have returned sooner than anticipated, and you'd still have the ability to perform magic. You really enjoyed punishing your pig of an ex-boyfriend, and because of your thirst for revenge, you're stuck in an elderly woman's body." Tara leaned forward and giggled at her. "Forever."

Michelle had tears streaming down her face. "You can't do this to me! I have a life! I have friends!"

"And now you're an old lady with arthritis, and you can't even perform the simplest of spells. I guess your life is over."

"You won't get away with this, Tara! Someone will notice that you're not the same person! WILL TELL EVERYONE!"

Tara shrugged and brought her soft, slender fingers up against Michelle's forehead. "I'll take care of that now." Just before Michelle could back away, a blast of white light filled the room as the body thief erased her old body's memories forever.



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