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Adam's long, brown hair flowed through his fingertips as he felt the warmth of dozens of eyes on his chest. He couldn't believe how much he'd changed when he gambled away his identity. After the most recent transformations made his clothes too tight, he was given a free red dress to cover himself up. He felt confident and sexier than ever now, though he was still annoyed at everything that had happened to him. 

He didn't think about the repercussions about gambling the last of what he had. After losing all of his money, he desperately wanted to keep gambling. So, one of the managers suggested meeting him up in one of the penthouse suites to discuss an alternative way to continue gambling.

Adam didn't realize it, but he was being milked for everything he had. He didn't have any more money, but the casino knew that he was willing to keep gambling. So, Mr. Souza opened up a briefcase and revealed a glowing green diamond sitting on a pillow. If Adam wanted to keep playing, he could bind his soul to the diamond. Winning would grant him more money - a full game of poker could earn him as much as $100,000. But, if he were to lose, the crystal would absorb parts of his body. Every loss would result in a piece of his body being transformed.

But Adam wasn't expecting to be changed into the opposite sex. He didn't truly understand the negative effects of attaching his soul to a magical object. He didn't even think magic existed, but tonight was the night he would discover its true existence. The more he played, the more feminine his body became. Deep down, he didn't think it was a big deal. He thought he could win big. He thought he could reverse things. But it was almost like every game was harder now - he was having a difficult time maintaining his focus. He felt more emotional, and the more he played, the sadder he became. Sure, he ended up winning about two games, but his willingness to keep playing brought him back into the red again.

"I can do this," he whispered while the others at his table smirked. "I can definitely do this. I just have to keep my head straight." But as the games continued, Adam lost more and more pieces of his masculinity. Each time he lost, a small piece of his manhood was ripped away. By the end of the night, his once muscular figure had become delicate, almost like a porcelain doll. His body had also shifted - from broad shoulders to large breasts, he was completely unrecognizable. His cock grew smaller with every loss. And after leaving his table to play some blackjack, his breasts enlarged. 

People definitely noticed that he was changing, but nobody seemed to question him directly. They just assumed that Adam was trying to use magic tricks to distract them. It annoyed him greatly, especially since every lost game visibly distracted him from the game. The heat and sensations he felt as a woman made it hard to concentrate, and when he played against a group of young and fit college guys, he couldn't stop biting his lower lip.

Three hours had gone by, and Adam had an hourglass shape and a cute bubble butt that looked perfect in his dress. The realization that the transformation would be permanent made him storm back upstairs to Mr. Souza's penthouse. Mr. Souza was laughing, clapping his hands as he saw the gorgeous girl who stood in Adam's place. The masculinity he had before was now replaced with the sweet smell of rose and jasmine. Adam yelled and demanded that he be switched back, only to be shocked when he saw his old body step out of the nearby bathroom.

"Sorry, hun, it was a body part swapping diamond," his old body said. "You've got my body now. And I don't want it back. I was a private escort at this casino for way too long, but now that I have your body, I have a clean slate. Don't worry, you don't have to be an escort. You'd make a lot of money, though! You do whatever you need to do. It's your body now."

Adam's jaw dropped, but when he saw Mr. Souza's smirk, he knew that his gambling addiction had screwed him over for the last time. He wouldn't replace the girl as an escort, but he was definitely going to go back out into the world without his addiction. As he did everything he could do start over and adjust to his feminized life as an OnlyFans girl, he promised himself that he would never gamble again.



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