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Elizabeth cuddled beside Darren as they drifted in and out of sleep. She felt so sore and loved, and the fact that she'd lost her virginity to him made this feel even more special. The two spent the night together after years of being just good friends. Elizabeth didn't even realize how much Darren cared about her, but after he helped obtain her new body, she knew she had to reward him. She had been nervous, especially since she didn't want to ruin their friendship. But when their lips locked together, she knew that this was perfect. She knew this was right. She knew that this was exactly what he wanted and deserved.

Elizabeth had been a 27-year-old woman who felt insecure about her personality. She spent a lifetime of being bullied, and her self-esteem and confidence were at an all-time low since people constantly called her ugly. She though that finishing college could make her happy after getting a decent job, but she felt like she was constantly losing out on life. She spent most of her time working, and while she didn't have that many friends, she felt unbelievably lonely.

That was when she saw an advertisement in the newspaper about a magic show. She ended up going after Darren offered to be her +1, but she wasn't expecting to run into a woman who would change her life forever. The witch, Tara, could see the sadness in Elizabeth's eyes as the show came to an end, and upon looking into her crystal ball, she knew that she had to do something to help her. She had Elizabeth come into her private room to speak privately about her problems. Darren had been hesitant at first, but when the witch told him what he needed to do in order to help Elizabeth, he was more than happy to do what he could.

Tara needed a third party to offer their blood in order to initiate a spell that would make Elizabeth happy. So, Darren offered his own blood. A circle of ashes and a smear of his blood at the center were all the witch needed to engulf the room in blood-red light. There was a low, evil laugh echoing in the darkest corners of the room when Elizabeth suddenly felt her skin beginning to shift and ripple. 

Within minutes, Elizabeth's body was transforming in front of Darren's eyes. Her breasts had doubled in size, and her ass looked big and round. Her cheeks filled with color, and her hips began to widen. Her eyes were big and doe-like, and her lips were plump and glossy, making her look like the perfect fuck-doll. She looked fake until a poof of smoke made her skin soften, and when she stared into a nearby mirror, she couldn't keep herself from crying at the brunette looking back at her.

Now, as she cuddled on the bed with Darren, she knew that her life was only going to get better. For the first time in her life, she felt happy. She felt beautiful. And as they both lay in bed, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about how the world would never call her ugly again. What Elizabeth didn't realize was that the witch hadn't truly transformed her body. While Elizabeth went on living with her sexual attractiveness, another woman at the magic show had been given Elizabeth's ugly body.

Nadine had been an unbelievably rude employee who constantly made life hard at the magic show. Tara didn't know what to do, especially since so many people were quitting over her. Nadine was your typical rich and spoiled brat, so the witch decided to teach her a permanent lesson. Unfortunately, Nadine would never learn her lesson. And now that she wasn't a pretty girl who could get anything she wanted, she had a rude awakening when nobody would take her shit.



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