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The soccer field was filled with life as Kelly watched from the bleachers. She stood with focused eyes, keenly observing Blake while he bobbed and weaved between the other girls. She couldn’t believe how authentic Blake seemed – she was amazed that the experimental supplements worked as well as they did. Nobody realized that he wasn’t supposed to be there – he looked like any other girl. 

Of course, only a handful of people knew their dirty little secret. Kelly’s stepdad, Lewis, had helped with the gender transformation with his specialized pills. Lewis was a scientist, possessing his own private lab and a mind full of curious thoughts and inventions. He didn’t have enough people to test his little creation, so Kelly spotted an opportunity.

Blake was a college friend of hers. He was famous as a star athlete who held trophies in soccer. Soccer was his passion, but being a man limited his platform to showcase his talents since he was just as good as all the other guys. Kelly, who saw the potential of the gender swapping pills and Blake’s remarkable skills, saw a window of opportunity. She knew that Blake being a woman would give him a massive advantage over the other girls at her school. Kelly played soccer too, but because she broke her leg, she needed to find a decent replacement.

So, she shared this revolutionary idea with Blake, and without hesitation, he stepped into this new world of opportunities. “As long as it’s not forever,” he had insisted. Lewis promised that he’d reverse things as soon as he felt uncomfortable with the gender swapping pills.

The transformation went smoothly over the course of a week. It wasn’t instantaneous, but Kelly had a chance to see his steady transformation. His breasts grew outwards, his waist narrowed, and his rough skin slowly softened. His dark brown hair grew, and by the time the seventh day rolled by, his private parts had fully transformed into feminine bits.

Blake embraced his new female body the moment Lewis gave him confirmation that he could finally start playing. Thanks to him, their school had dozens of victories. Kelly was amazed at how much progress he was making as the “mysterious chick” who came out of nowhere. Nobody knew what program Blake was in or if he had a stellar history at other schools, but none of the girls seemed to care. Like Kelly, they were more enthused about the fact that they had improved so well as a team. Kelly’s team had a reputation for never making it to regional championships, and now that Blake was helping them, she realized that the sky was the limit for their school.

Blake felt complete too. Each game felt like a breeze. He loved the newfound ease and satisfaction, the joy of playing soccer without any constraints while everybody literally worshipped him. Kelly, meanwhile, was more than a mere observer, thanks to her broken leg. It wouldn’t be forever, though. Another month or so meant they’d eventually get into the next regional championship. And when Blake stopped by the bleachers to take the cold bottle of water from Kelly, the smile on his face said it all.

He was just as excited as she was.



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