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Rebekah smiled and watched the crowd of people moving by. She got a few stares, but the only set of eyes that made her so happy was Bruce. He joined her and held the bottle of water out for her to take it. The water tastes so good, especially after walking nearly fifteen kilometers with her boyfriend. A year had gone by since she got her new body, and a lot of lifestyle changes had happened that Bruce was more than happy to adopt with her.

She was never this active. When she first got Kyra's body, she was afraid that she was going to ruin it. She was afraid of accidentally gaining too much weight. She was also afraid of overeating like she used to. In her old body, Rebekah was an emotional eater, and Bruce understood that. However, the longer she lived in Kyra's beautiful body, the more she realized how bad her old life used to be. Because she was happier in her new body, she was less emotional and less prone to overeating.

That was a surprising change, but she was happy with the result. The biggest adjustment, though, was how long Kyra's body took to get horny. Sex wasn't as great as it used to be, so the couple had to make a lot of changes to their routine. A lot of foreplay had to be done, and even then, there were some nights where Rebekah couldn't finish. She couldn't have orgasms as easily. But when she had them, Bruce would be elated, and seeing the satisfied look on his face made her happy that they were still together.

That was the other thing she was afraid of. She was afraid of Bruce slowly becoming bored with her. She had that fear in her old body, but when he felt disappointed in himself for not being able to make her scream as much as she used to, she felt horrible. She didn't want him to think he wasn't the greatest lay. To her, he was her perfect mate - her perfect partner. She wanted him to be just as happy as she was with her new look.

Now that a year had passed, Bruce seemed to be enjoying other aspects of their life together. Sex was the only thing they really enjoyed when she was in her heavier body. Now, they were doing more active things together. Rebekah frequently went rock climbing with him, and they loved hiking. 

Today, she enjoyed their weekend walk, and she got excited when he said they would be meeting friends for dinner later that night. Since she was happier in her slender body, her social anxiety was significantly better. She wasn't afraid of showing off her new body, but she also wasn't constantly thinking about how she looked. 

Knowing that they had so much planned together, she hugged her partner tight and thought about how lucky she was that she'd come across this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She wasn't sure how Kyra was doing in her new body, but she hoped that she was having just as much fun as she was. She hadn't heard of any desires to swap back, but even if met with that potential request, Rebekah had no intention of switching back.



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