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Curtis eased himself onto the couch, his hands and feet throbbing in protest. The weight of the day weighed him down. The gleaming floors, neatly arranged cushions, and the spotless kitchen counter were testaments to the hard work he had put in all day. Silence filled the air, interrupted only by the gentle sounds of his baby son's even breathing as he slept soundly in the next room.

Usually, after a long day, Curtis would look forward to kicking back and watching the football game, letting the energetic commentary and the roaring crowds soothe his tired soul. But today, even the thought of following the game seemed too taxing. His eyelids felt heavy, and the remote control felt like it was miles out of reach.

His mind kept drifting back to the bewildering twist his life had taken. It was hard to believe that just a short while ago, he was in his old body. Now, having switched bodies with his wife through the help of her friend’s swapping crystal, he was navigating a world that wasn’t familiar. Every chore had taken twice as long, every task seeming monumental. Even attending to their baby son, whom he adored, became a series of carefully thought out moves, each more draining than the last. The minutiae of household chores had now come to the forefront, demanding his attention and energy while he wondered how Samantha juggled everything.

As the dim light of the evening seeped into the room, Curtis sat there, the enormity of his day weighing him down. He let his thoughts drift back to the day everything had changed. Samantha, frustrated and feeling undervalued, had turned to her yoga friend, Annie. She wanted advice and solace. Annie, with her insightful nature, had often helped Samantha see situations with clarity. On this occasion, she had presented a unique solution to Samantha's grievances.

Samantha had been venting about Curtis' dismissive comments and his ungrateful attitude towards her role in the home. Ever since she gave birth, their relationship has been shaky. She claimed that she couldn’t juggle a part-time job while looking after their kid, while Curtis thought there wasn’t enough at the house for her to work on. Curtis had been overtly sexist in his remarks too, often suggesting Samantha was lazy and should find employment instead of "lounging" around the house. He had confidently proclaimed he could manage the household chores with ease if given a chance.

Seeing an opportunity, Annie proposed a playful bet for Samantha to suggest to her husband. She challenged Curtis and said that he wouldn't last a week in her shoes without breaking down or wanting to switch back. If he lost, Samantha could have anything she wished for. Curtis, with his characteristic arrogance and underestimation of Samantha's daily routine, had laughed it off, confidently accepting the challenge. After touching the swapping stone before going to bed, Curtis woke up to find himself in Samantha's body the next morning, with all the responsibilities that came with it. The realization had been disorienting at first; however, Curtis' pride prevented him from admitting his discomfort.

But as the days passed, the weight of the responsibilities and the relentless demands of household chores began to bear down on him. Tasks that seemed trivial in his previous criticisms now loomed large. He started to understand the meticulous planning, physical effort, and emotional labor Samantha invested in their home and child every single day. With each passing day, regret settled deeper in Curtis' heart. He felt even worse when he realized that Samantha’s friend had known that he wouldn’t last. She also seemed to know what Samantha’s wish would be. Upon admitting defeat, Curtis was shocked to learn that Samantha wanted to stay swapped. She enjoyed the freedom of being a man, and she especially loved being the man of the house. Annie happily accepted the wish and took away the only method of switching their bodies back, leaving Curtis no other choice but to learn how to be a housewife forever.



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