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Dustin stood at the center of the dimly lit hotel room. His slender fingers nervously adjusted the emerald fabric of his dress around his feminine body while he waited for Brandon to return from the bathroom. He wasn’t expecting to be easily persuaded into coming up into the hotel room, yet here he was. 

Brandon, his company’s biggest client from Spain, had taken Dustin by surprise after spending the entire evening with him. Dustin's mission had been clearly set by his fellow corporate directors: show Brandon the city, keep him entertained, and ensure his stay was memorable. He had been essentially tasked with giving Brandon a good time, a task he had accepted willingly, but he hadn't anticipated the electrifying chemistry that would arise between them.

Brandon was not just another client. He was witty, charming, and disarmingly sincere. His laughter was infectious, his stories captivating, and his attention, when turned fully onto Dustin, was intoxicating. As the night progressed, Dustin found himself drawn to Brandon, his resolve weakening under the Spanish man's enchanting allure.

The transfer from Dustin to Jenny had been a calculated move, a strategy developed in the confines of his office. Jenny, his faithful receptionist, had been more than willing to play her part, even volunteering to help seduce Brandon. Despite her approval of his flirtatious banter with Brandon (and even having sex with him), Dustin had been hesitant. The thought of falling in love with another man, even in a woman's body, was uncharted territory for him.

Obviously, Jenny had initially suggested that she be the one to entertain Brandon. She had the looks, the charm, and the vivacious personality that Brandon would no doubt find attractive. However, she lacked the in-depth knowledge about company operations that Dustin possessed. If they could convince Brandon to remain a client, they would inevitably have him assist in their sales division. He was a renowned salesman, and they were desperate for sales. So, Dustin had made the decision. He would swap bodies with Jenny, assume her persona, and play the role that was necessary.

The body swap clinic had been efficient in the switch. They were placed into metal pods, and their minds were transferred through electric shocks. When Dustin had emerged, he had been in Jenny's body, a perfect replica of her lithe figure, her soft features, and her feminine grace. He had looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting to his new form, and had realized that he now held the keys to Brandon's enjoyment.

Now, alone in Brandon's hotel room, Dustin felt a stirring of emotions. His heart pounded in his chest, his palms were sweaty, and he felt a strange mix of fear and anticipation. He was about to cross a line, a line he had promised himself he wouldn't. With a deep breath, he decided to make his move, and before he knew it, he was already in bed with the other man. He took Brandon's hands between kisses, his fingers intertwining with the man's larger, more masculine ones. 

Dustin's heart pounded in his chest, his emotions a whirlwind of confusion and desire while he did everything he could to make Brandon want to keep working for the company. But when he felt the other man’s cock sliding deep inside of him, he let out an uncontrollable moan. His masculinity was fading away, yet he didn’t care. 

His body twitched, and the warmth that emanated between his legs immediately engulfed his body as he begged Brandon for more. The two would remain together for the entire night, lost in their lust, while Dustin successfully closed the sale. Brandon would continue doing business with him if Jenny kept seeing him. Dustin would have to give her a bigger bonus to keep using her body, but Jenny was more than willing to lend her body for the company.



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