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Vanessa had always been the friend others turned to when they needed beauty advice. Her experience with hairstyles and makeup techniques was well-known in her circle of friends, and her bathroom was a treasure trove of products and tools. But when Carly approached her one day looking for help, this was completely different. Carly was the popular girl who never had issues with doing her own makeup. Sadly, a car accident made her lose a portion of her memory. Even after going through physical and mental therapy, there are still patches in her memory that she doesn’t remember anymore.

Doing her hair and makeup were things that she couldn’t figure out. Her fashion sense was getting better, but Vanessa knew that she could use a lot of pointers, and she couldn't resist seeing Carly’s beauty back again. As she settled into Vanessa's plush salon-style chair, Vanessa took a moment to study her smiling friend's features. 

Vanessa smiled, appreciating her friend's enthusiasm. She started by analyzing Carly's face shape and hair type. Carly's face was oval, with high cheekbones and soft, almond-shaped eyes. Her hair was a rich chestnut color, thick, and slightly wavy. Vanessa started with a clean, moisturized canvas, applying a primer to ensure that the makeup would stay put.

For the foundation, Vanessa chose a shade that perfectly matched Carly's skin tone, applying it with a damp beauty sponge for a flawless finish. She then concealed any imperfections with a concealer, blending it seamlessly.

Moving on to the eyes, Vanessa selected a palette of warm, neutral shades that would make Carly's eyes pop. She started with a soft beige as a base, then added depth with a gentle touch of a medium brown in the crease. For a bit of sparkle, she applied a champagne shimmer on the eyelids.

Eyeliner came next, and Vanessa chose a soft brown pencil to line Carly's upper lash line, slightly winging it out for a subtle cat-eye effect. She then curled Carly's lashes and applied mascara, making her eyes look wide and inviting. For the cheeks, Vanessa selected a peachy blush that added a natural flush to Carly's face. She then highlighted the high points of Carly's face, like the tops of her cheekbones, with a soft, shimmery highlighter.

Finally, Vanessa chose a rosy nude lipstick, perfect for Carly's complexion. She carefully lined Carly's lips before filling them in, adding a touch of gloss for an extra shine. As she stepped back to survey her work, Vanessa felt a surge of satisfaction. Carly looked stunning, her natural beauty enhanced and highlighted. “Oh my gosh, I LOVE IT!” Carly cried. “And you can write this all down for me, right?”

Vanessa was having so much fun that she forgot about Carly’s memory problems. She promised that she would write the steps down on a list for her. She also planned on giving her all the samples she would need so she didn’t have to immediately go out and buy the makeup. Just seeing the excited look in Carly’s eyes made the free makeover all worth it.

But Carly was happier for a different reason. Carly wasn’t Carly – she was a man named Tom, a man whose car had crashed into Carly’s. He had been running from police and ended up crashing into the woman, and the force was so strong that it made him die of his injuries. But the forceful crash also forced his mind into Carly’s body, and he inevitably became the dominant mind inside his new vessel. Adapting to his life was unbelievably difficult – he had to learn how to walk in high heels, dress well, and act like the real Carly. Thankfully, acting like Carly had memory problems made life easier – he just needed help with other things.

And now that he knew how to get the most out of Carly’s natural beauty, he was excited to finally live life to the fullest. He had a second chance, and with the help of Carly’s caring friends, he had a feeling that it was definitely going to be way easier than he would expect.



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