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“You’re making an awful lot of noise for somebody who’s nearly a hundred years old,” Martin laughed while he crossed his slender arms. “But I guess I’d be noisy too if I just lost my body to somebody I trusted. It’s all so unfortunate for you, but you were the only one willing to help me out. You were such a perfect employee.”

Martha struggled in the old man’s wheelchair. After bringing him his meds for the evening, the 20-year-old retirement home worker had stumbled upon a strange doll with a lock of blonde hair. She realized that it was a piece of her hair, but before she could ask Martin what this doll was about, she felt her body stiffen. Her face looked up, and a trail of yellow gas shot out of her lips. Before she knew it, she was flying through the air. She moved past a black gas before slipping into Martin’s wrinkled lips.

She was breathing rapidly now as her heart raced. She looked at Martin with wild eyes while he circled the room in her high heels. “God, I feel so fucking sexy right now.” He stopped in front of the wheelchair and gave it a soft kick. Martha immediately fell to the ground. “Oh, I’m so sorry, MARTIN!” He crawled along the floor alongside her before running a finger along his stubbly chin. “You ought to be more careful. You might hurt yourself.”

“Give it back…” She let out a cough. “Give back my body. It’s not yours!”

“Give what back? MY body? I don’t think so.” Martin let out an exaggerated laugh. “By the time they find you, you’ll be a stuttering mess. Want to know why?” He pulled out a jar of his medication. “Remember this? You need to take these every hour to stay sharp. Such a shame – by the time they find you, it’ll have been about five or six hours. That’s more than enough time to let my brain go to mush.”

“Why are you doing this?”

Martin tilted his head and ran his finger along Martha’s chin again. “Silly, you don’t remember why? You’ve always been such a bitch to me. I know you work the overnight shift, but that’s no reason to be breaking every protocol available. You might be the only worker here alongside the nurse, but you’ve only gotten away from punishment because you’re fucking him. But guess what? This is my life now. And I’ll do what you couldn’t do – be a decent human being and not a slut.”

“P-Please, Martin, I’m sorry,” Martha whispered. Everything he was saying was true, but she didn’t expect for things to turn out like this. She reached out to her body one final time, but Martin was quicker. He got up, stepped out of the room, and locked her in. Before Martha could tell anybody about what had happened, she slowly felt her mind beginning to fail. It didn’t take long before she realized that she was never going to get her young body back.



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