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Dusty sidewalks and grime-covered alleyways were Katie's home. She had lived on the fringes of society for weeks since becoming homeless, her life a daily battle against hunger and exposure. She wasn’t addicted to alcohol or drugs – she had made poor financial decisions and went into too much debt. She sold her cat and had to resort to living on the streets until she could figure out how to fly back home. She was originally abroad for college, and now that she didn’t have a penny to her name, she felt trapped. The uncertainty of her situation made her days a blur of desperation. But one day, fortune cast its gaze on her. She encountered a woman, Annette, who offered her a chance at redemption after seeing her frequently in public.

Annette was a woman of some standing, dressed in an elegant red dress that was clearly expensive. A golden pendant adorned her neck, and she exuded an aura of sophistication that felt alien to Katie's world. But beneath the extravagant facade was a kind-hearted woman who believed in the power of charity. She frequently helped the local homeless population, and Katie had seen her constantly. She got food, water, and the occasional new top or pants. There was no shortage of generosity in her kind heart, especially today. She was given a freshly cleaned long-sleeved shirt and some nice yoga pants.

"I believe in helping everybody I can," Annette had told Katie as she offered her a small, gleaming purple stone. "I'm Annette. But my name doesn't matter. Use this stone on the life you want to take on. Abandon your current one, and start over."

Katie looked at the stone in awe. The small object shimmered in the harsh sunlight, and the potential it held was staggering. She had been given an opportunity to escape her miserable existence and to step into a new life. It was a prospect that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

"But how?" Katie asked, her fingers brushing against the smooth surface of the stone.

"Stare at your target, Katie,” Annette explained with a cryptic smile. "Stare deeply into their eyes and squeeze the stone." Katie nodded and was about to follow Annette's instructions when she realized the older woman was already staring deeply into her eyes. Without thinking, Katie reflexively squeezed the stone. The world around her seemed to shift, and Annette started to laugh.

The laughter echoed ominously, causing Katie's heart to pound with a mixture of fear and excitement while the stone fell to the cement. Little did she know that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined. She was horrified to realize that she was looking back at her old face.

Annette and Katie had somehow swapped bodies. Katie felt a throbbing pain in her feet, while Annette let out a satisfied sigh. “So much better,” she said. “I’m so glad I found you. Homeless people in good condition are hard to come by. With some money, I’ll be able to have a fresh start. Thank you, Katie.” She crossed her arms and giggled when she saw the freshly swapped woman look at her with tears in her eyes. “The swapping stone doesn’t work unless there’s a high level of trust. You never even became suspicious of my kindness. You didn’t even ask why I was giving you a full change of clothing. Why would I give some homeless bitch a new bra, underwear, sweater, and some yoga pants? I was getting ready to take you for good.”

“W-Wait, is that why you helped me?”

Annette playfully picked up the swapping stone and shoved it into her pocket. “You just needed some money. Thankfully, I have a butt load of cash in the woods. I have all the money I need to start over. Anyway, you’re not even in bad condition. I’m amazed that a guy didn’t just let you stay at their place. All you had to do was suck a cock or two. Women these days have way too much modesty. Thank you for switching lives with me so eagerly.” Katie reached out to her and tried to grab her, but Annette was faster in her body. After weaving through groups of people, the body thief managed to slip away, ultimately leaving Katie in an older woman’s body forever. She’d try to get people to help her, claiming her body had been stolen, but nobody ever took her seriously.



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