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Ben stared at the TV monitor, his normally hard gaze now soft with disbelief while he lightly moaned. The sensations he was feeling were wild, especially whenever the game vibrated. He could feel the vibrations trickling through him. His fingers lightly brushed against the rough texture of the controller while he pressed it up against his feminized crotch. He moaned even louder, and the thought of being this turned on made him realize that things were so different now. “I can’t believe how fast this shit happened,” he moaned to himself.

He barely recognized the person staring back at him on the screen. In a few days, he had gone from an average, unremarkable man to something else entirely - a woman of unmatched beauty, a spectacle for all to see. He literally looked like an OnlyFans model – he looked like the type of girl he’d jack off to.

And it was all thanks to an innocuous-looking game he had bought off eBay, a modded version of a popular title that came with a curious warning. It stated that the game could curse or even physically transform him if he lost too frequently. At the time, Ben had dismissed it as nothing more than a marketing gimmick, a tongue-in-cheek way to add intrigue to an old video game.

However, after losing the initial rounds, he began noticing subtle changes. His skin, previously marred by the occasional blemish, had become clear and smooth. His hair, once coarse and dull, now felt soft and luxurious to the touch. Unfazed by these seemingly positive developments, he continued to delve deeper into the immersive world of the game.

But as the gameplay evolved and his in-game interactions involved more flirting and seducing non-playable characters, Ben's transformation became more pronounced. His figure changed drastically, adopting feminine curves in all the right places. His hair grew longer and more luscious, framing his face perfectly. The man he had known all his life was slowly fading away, replaced by an incredibly attractive woman who seemed to captivate everyone in the virtual universe.

Each loss in the game was accompanied by a chilling warning, cautioning him of more severe transformations. His initial reaction was to stop and to seek help, but then he stumbled upon an enticing possibility within the game - a chance to reverse the transformation and return to his original self. With renewed determination, he decided to press on, hoping to regain his lost identity.

Unfortunately, as he progressed further, however, a new challenge presented itself. With each passing round, his intelligence seemed to diminish too. Complex strategies that were once second nature to him became increasingly challenging, forcing him to rely more on his newfound charm and feminine wiles to progress in the game. He even began playing with his new body while he desperately tried to win at an unwinnable game.

In the end, Ben, now fully transformed into a gorgeous woman, had become irreversibly entranced by the game. He fell in love with the game, with his new persona, and with the strange, enchanting world he had become a part of. Ben was a captive, trapped in a cycle of obsession and transformation, unable to break free until the game finally ended with a permanent game over screen. He was a woman now, and with his mind bimbofied, the only thing on his mind was doing the exact thing he’d done in the game. The only thing on his mind was messing with men, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized he was happier than he’d ever been before.



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