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The warmth of the sun beat down on Margaret, heat seeping into her skin, while the cool ocean breeze kissed her attractive flesh. She closed her eyes, tilting her head back to savor the sensation. With an ice-cold bottle of water in her hand, the condensation dripping onto her fingers, she watched her friends giggling in the ocean, their laughter carried over while Margaret soaked up the sun’s rays. It was moments like this that she held dear, moments that filled her with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her second chance at life.

Margaret, once a woman of advanced age, had never thought she would get to experience youth again. She was waiting to die. She wasn’t confined to a retirement home, but it wasn’t like living life alone gave her a lot of freedom. The pain in her joints made it impossible to enjoy the wealth she had accrued in her life. She spent years working in high paying corporate positions – she focused on her career over everything else. At the age of 70, she realized that she missed out on much more in life. Sadly, it was too late by the time she discovered this. She still managed to travel to expensive places in Europe, but that was about it.

Now, her body was renewed, full of life and energy she hadn't felt for years thanks to the little deal she made. It was a mutual agreement, a bargain struck with a younger woman named Taylor who desperately wanted to know what it was like to have endless wealth. She wanted the ability to buy anything she wanted, and she figured enough surgery and creams could help reverse aging.

Taylor was an ambitious and materialistic woman who loved cutting corners. She was willing to trade her youth for the wealth Margaret had accumulated over the years without hesitation. She did all the research to track Margaret down to give her an offer. The proposal came as a shock to Margaret, but as the pain in her old bones reminded her of her age, she saw it as an opportunity. And thus, the pact was made. They visited a body swap clinic, signed all the necessary forms, and completely relinquished ownership over their bodies to each other. Taylor was now living the life of luxury she craved, and Margaret, a chance to relive her youth.

As Margaret watched her new friends frolic in the ocean waves, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her good fortune. Her old body had been a prison, hindering her movements, leaving her tired and exhausted after the smallest exertion. Now, she was free from those shackles, free to enjoy her life without the constraints of age and time. Taylor’s friends had no idea who was really in their attractive friend’s body, and as their calls pulled her from her thoughts, their inviting smiles urged her to join them. They were happy around her, and Margaret was happy around them.

With a smirk on her lips, Margaret rose from her comfortable lounge chair, stretching her arms towards the sky. The heat from the sun seeped into her young skin, her body savoring the sensation. She felt light, free, and rejuvenated. But just before joining Taylor’s friends, Margaret’s cell phone began to vibrate. Frowning, she saw a text message from her old body and realized that it was Taylor. “Hey can we talk about reversing this? I don’t think I thought this through.” The salty sea air filled Margaret’s young lungs as she shook her head. 

She marked the text message as spam and sprinted towards the ocean, her laughter echoing in the summer air. Margaret was ready to live her life to the fullest, to enjoy every second of her newfound youth. Taylor may have changed her mind, but Margaret wasn’t planning on swapping back. She had everything she wanted – an attractive and healthy body, good friends, and a long life ahead of her. All the forms were signed, and with her old body reaching its expiry date, Margaret refused to go back. 



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