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Under the brilliance of a mid-summer sun, Leilah lounged on the sandy expanses of a semiprivate beach. The ocean waves lapped gently at the shore, providing a soothing backdrop to the tranquil setting. Leilah lay there in her skin-tight bikini, the fabric hugging the contours of her svelte figure, drawing admiring glances from the other beach-goers.

Beside her, her husband Arnie yawned, his attention solely on his stunning wife. His strong hand moved rhythmically as he applied sunscreen on her lower back. Their eyes met, reflecting the love and happiness that filled their hearts. For Leilah, the moment felt surreal. Her life had taken a turn that she couldn't have imagined even in her wildest dreams.

When Leilah had proposed to Bernadette about keeping their swapped bodies permanently, she had braced herself for resistance or an exorbitant price. But to her surprise, Bernadette had agreed with an almost startling eagerness. A mere couple of million dollars was all it took for the young woman to relinquish her youthful body. In the grand scheme of things, it was a pittance for Leilah, an amount she gladly parted with for the promise of youth and vitality. Arnie broke the chain of her thoughts, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. “You good?”

She nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I was just thinking about her again. I’m still amazed that she was stupid enough to just sell her body. I would have never given this up.” She turned on to her back and lightly cupped her breasts through her swimsuit. “Everything about her body’s perfect. Her genes are perfect – how much have we eaten since we got here? I’m eating more than you.”

As Leilah wrapped her arms around her happy husband, pulling him closer, she knew she had made the deal of a lifetime. She nuzzled her head against her shoulder and felt his warm fingers stroking the center of her back. His fingers teased the strings that kept her dainty swimsuit on, but rather than tug them with so many eyes upon them, he simply circled the spot. 

“She’s probably spending her money on whatever people like her spend their money on. Knowing how naïve she is, she’s probably going to run out of money long before she realizes that she made a poor trade.”

Leilah kissed her husband’s cheek. “Well, if she ever changes her mind, she’s never getting this hot ass back. It’s mine now, and I’m not trading it for anything.” Her life had taken a completely different trajectory now. She no longer had to grapple with board meetings, financial reports, or personnel management. She had capable assistants handling her work while she enjoyed exploring the world with Arnie. She made it seem like she was working harder than she really was, but the board of directors didn’t seem to notice. After all, they were all fully aware of the deal she made, and she was more useful as a remote CEO than any of them could imagine.

Rising from where they lay, Leilah and Arnie started walking towards their lavish hotel. A flutter in her abdomen made her pause, her hand instinctively going to her flat belly. While she mentioned that she was thinking of Bernadette, there was another thing on her mind. The secret she held within her was a joy she couldn't wait to share with Arnie, but not yet. As she continued her walk, arm in arm with Arnie, her secret stayed safely tucked away, waiting to be shared at the perfect moment, adding yet another chapter to their life together.



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