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Joel was familiar with the feeling of nausea, having worked for many years as a bartender in a seedy joint where fights and overindulgence were the order of the day. However, this sense of unease was different, and unlike anything he had ever experienced. He could feel the dark magic flowing through him, and the heat was becoming unbearable. His palms were slick with sweat, his pulse pounding against his temples like a relentless drummer. His insides churned and roiled as if he had drunk one too many shots of cheap whiskey, and yet he hadn't touched a drop.

In the dimly lit interior of his battered sedan, Joel clenched his jaw, his knuckles white on the steering wheel as he fought against the rising tide of discomfort. The sickly glow of the streetlights seemed to exacerbate the queasiness, their harsh glare turning his stomach further. He closed his eyes tightly, willing the feeling to pass, desperate to keep everything down while he pictured his target.

Then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the discomfort ebbed away, leaving him trembling and drenched in sweat. As the wave of relief washed over him, Joel dared to open his eyes, glancing hesitantly at his reflection in another car’s window. He realized that he wasn’t in his car anymore, and he also realized that he was at a parking lot somewhere in the downtown core.

The face that stared back at him wasn't his own. Gone were the rugged lines and stubbled chin, replaced by a softer, feminine visage. His heart pounded in his chest at the sight of the long brown hair that fell in soft waves around the slender shoulders. He was staring at the reflection of a familiar and young college girl. “What’s happening to me?” the girl’s voice murmured.

Sandra, with her pouty lips and sharp tongue, had been a regular at his bar for the past six months. She was one of those pretty and spoiled rich girls who definitely had a trust fund. She loved bringing in a new boyfriend every week to buy her drinks, and she was a whirlwind of trouble with everybody. Her fiery temper often clashed with the other patrons and caused a ruckus. It was her complaints and entitlement that had grated on Joel's nerves, her brashness and arrogance often testing his patience to its limit.

Frustrated and exhausted from the constant chaos Sandra brought with her, Joel had decided to take matters into his own hands. He didn’t get paid enough to deal with people like her, and he was hating his life. After browsing around, he had found an obscure spell online, one that promised to provide him with the ability to possess any person’s body. Joel was skeptical at first, but desperation had driven him to give it a shot.

Now, here he was, staring at Sandra's reflection in the car window, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and triumph. He could feel the girl struggling to regain control, but all he could do was laugh now. “I didn’t think you were going to be conscious,” he said in her sultry, flirty voice. “God, you’ve been such a bitch. I can’t wait to really put you in your place.” He could hear her screams in her head, but that only made this sweeter. “Maybe I’ll keep things this way. You know what? Maybe I will. Being a bartender’s fun, but your life? You’re over entitled, gorgeous, and rich. Maybe I’ll keep things the way they are now that I’m free. Starting over would be so wonderful, don’t you think?”

Sandra could only watch helplessly as the stranger made her life his own. She could feel her mind slowly becoming a part of him. It wouldn’t be long before she would lose ownership permanently. And as Joel happily moved through the parking lot and looked at Sandra’s ID so he could find his new home, he realized that this was going to be a lot of fun. While his old body remained lifeless in his beat-up car, he’d be able to start anew with the new body he had. He may have been a girl now, but he could definitely get used to this…



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